went wrong trying to make hash, looking for tips for next time


First off, wasn't sure where to post this but I am new to the thread to I put it in noobie central because I am new to growing and the forum, just did my first harvest.

I tryed making some hash and had a hard time with the extraction process. I tryed the blender method. Heres what I did

I took my trimmings from the plants and grinded them in an electric coffee grinder and then into the blender. I crushed ice and added it to a Jar of coldwater to get it really cold frist then added it to the blender. I blended the mixture really well till it looked like a grass smoothie.

I then dumped the mixture into a large jar and let it sit for about 30 minutes. I had read that the plant material would float to the top and all the trichomes would be left at the bottom. This was not the case.

I was able to scoop a small amount of plant material off the top but the majority of it (about 75%) was still at the bottom. Looked like a mixture of finely ground shake and with a crystal layer on top. I knew something went wrong so I poured off the water and then put it through a metal screen strainer and rinsed some water through it just to try to get more of the plant material out.

After all this I am left with some fine green material I am currently drying. It looks like it will be potent and get me high better then smoking the trimmings but not what I expected.

what i think may have went wrong....

The trimmings/shake were not dry enough, plant had only been drying for 4 days.
Is it possible to grind the shake too fine?

The water was really dark green and juicy looking, I feel like it woudlnt have been that dark if I had completely dryed out the shake. I was thinking that the water had so much weed juice in it from the shake that it became to dense and the plant material was unable to float.

let me know what you guys think...


oh yea I am also planning on getting some silk screens and trying to sift through my remaining green material. I live in ontario and dont know where to find silk screens or what section of a department store they would even be in.


Well-Known Member
I use bubble bags for my extraction and it works great. heres how to use them..

Freeze your weed, dont chop it up fine, use lots and lots and lots of ice.

pour the weed in the work bag and mix it by hand for 20 minutes. add more ice and let it sit a few minutes. Then start pulling the bags one at a time. scrape the hash off the bottom of the bags with a wet spoon. place the hash on cardboard and let it dry, chop it up into a powder then pour it into a piece of plastic wrap and form a small packet of trichs and place that in the heel of your shoe. this is purely optional. your body heat and weight will press the hash for you.


Forest G.

First off, wasn't sure where to post this but I am new to the thread to I put it in noobie central because I am new to growing and the forum, just did my first harvest.

I tryed making some hash and had a hard time with the extraction process. I tryed the blender method. Heres what I did

I took my trimmings from the plants and grinded them in an electric coffee grinder and then into the blender. I crushed ice and added it to a Jar of coldwater to get it really cold frist then added it to the blender. I blended the mixture really well till it looked like a grass smoothie.

I then dumped the mixture into a large jar and let it sit for about 30 minutes. I had read that the plant material would float to the top and all the trichomes would be left at the bottom. This was not the case.

I was able to scoop a small amount of plant material off the top but the majority of it (about 75%) was still at the bottom. Looked like a mixture of finely ground shake and with a crystal layer on top. I knew something went wrong so I poured off the water and then put it through a metal screen strainer and rinsed some water through it just to try to get more of the plant material out.

After all this I am left with some fine green material I am currently drying. It looks like it will be potent and get me high better then smoking the trimmings but not what I expected.

what i think may have went wrong....

The trimmings/shake were not dry enough, plant had only been drying for 4 days.
Is it possible to grind the shake too fine?

The water was really dark green and juicy looking, I feel like it woudlnt have been that dark if I had completely dryed out the shake. I was thinking that the water had so much weed juice in it from the shake that it became to dense and the plant material was unable to float.

let me know what you guys think...
I use the blender method as well as I like to keep things low cost and I don't want to add alcohol and simmer it and all that other stuff. I had a similar experience as yours my first go around and yes it was better than smoking the trimmings and fuzzy leaf crap but once I refined the method it is ALOT better.
what you need
1 ice
2 cold water
3 blender
4 TWO glass pitchers that holds at least a gallon
5 basket style coffee filter with silk or mesh screen, replacement coffe filter at Walmart
6 large spoon
7 either turkey baster or a syringe bulb capable of sucking up liquid
8 dried waste and trimmings or buds. you can add all the waste together or a pile of fuzzy and some of the smaller buds to get better quality, I just add it all together.
9 paper coffe filters
10 glass jar mason
11 rubber band
you start by
1 add your dried up waste (some put their cuttings in the freezer before adding but in my experience it makes little difference) don't grind it but you can cut it up in manageable pices to fit in the blender, fill the blender about half or a little more full
2 add cold water and about 3 or 4 of the big sized square ice cubes
3 blend for about 2 to 3 minutes max
4 pour through coffee filter or mesh screen as much that will fit ( not too much )
5 make sure the liquid goes into your glass pitcher when it stops dripping use your spoon to push down the green crap in the filter and pour more cold water over it so it goes into the pitcher, do this 2 or so times
6 empty coffe filter and repeat until your glass pitcher is full of water
7 put your glass pitcher in the fridge NOT the freezer for about 45 minutes
8 look at the bottom of your pitcher without moving the pitcher and notice the layer of blonde trichomes on the bottom
9 take pitcher out carefully and drain all of the water out with your baster or syringe until there is about 2 inches left above the trichomes, do not suck the trichomes up.
10 add more cold water and then with the second pitcher pour the other pitcher through the filter into the empty one to filter out any excess greenery
11 put back in fridge another 45 minutes and drain water again and repeat 10 until it's as clear as you want.
12 after you drain it for the last time you get your mason jar ready by putting the paper filter inside the mason jar with the edges on the outside and rubber band it in place, get the filter deep enough so water from the pitcher can be poured into it but so it DOESN"T leak over from the top of the filter
13 pour contents in the paper filter slowly ( you may have to add a little water to the pitcher after the first pour to get all the trichicomes out of the pitcher) until the pitcher is empty and the trichomes are on the filter
14 take filter out and make a ball with the wet trichomes using the filter and getting it in the center of the filter and slightly squeezing out the water, be careful not to rip the filter
15 take your ball out of filter and let dry
16 after dry you could smoke but I chop it up finely and put in my presser for a few days to a week opening daily and then SMOKE IT

big difference from my first go around and man does it ever get you RIPPED and lasts for awhile



Yea yea bubble bags, I want one. I went and looked at one the other day at a head shop in Kingston, Ontario. They wanted 200 bucks so I went ahead with my trial and error method.

Forest G. thanks for your tips, ill incorporate them into my technique when I get some trimmings for round 2.

Another question, when i trimmed my plants obviously alot the trimmings were just random leafs that look like they have no crystal at all. Should I even be using these or just discard them? I guess it doesn't hurt to throw them in but its just more greenery to process.

Forest G.

Yea yea bubble bags, I want one. I went and looked at one the other day at a head shop in Kingston, Ontario. They wanted 200 bucks so I went ahead with my trial and error method.

Forest G. thanks for your tips, ill incorporate them into my technique when I get some trimmings for round 2.

Another question, when i trimmed my plants obviously alot the trimmings were just random leafs that look like they have no crystal at all. Should I even be using these or just discard them? I guess it doesn't hurt to throw them in but its just more greenery to process.
Every part of MJ has trichomes in it even the stems. I have used whole plants before. The more greenery to process the more trichomes you will get.


Hi Yeht.. I went on to E-bay a few weeks ago and bought some bags for a very reasonable price. Put in BUBBLE ICE BAGS. Go for lowest price first.. And you'll see 5 bag sets for sale from a top seller in Canada for less than 50 USD. I took a risk , as i'm in the UK. and ordered them. They were with me in 7 days. So they'll get to you pretty quick... Then just follow what justparanoid says. He knows what hes talking about. Lots of cold water and ice.. I did just that and got some awesome hash. If you're still not sure there's lots of vids on youtube showing bag methods.. Good luck mate


Just checked it out again. The seller i told you about on Ebay is called hui3000ma. The bags are still for sale. and are good quality. I bought the 5 gallon set, altho you can get 1 gallon sets upwards. And some friends of mine have used the guy as well. With no problems.. Good luck