Funny I worked out with Weights for 3 years and gained.
Went to Stepper like I'm doing now doing more Cardio and lost weight.
I use to go to the pool. I was swimming until I messed my Arm up and found I have Prostate Cancer. I wear throw away Underwear and I'm embarrassed going to the Shower.
Went this morning for 20 minutes burnt little over 200 calories.
Can't cut Firewood like I did before and walk miles Hunting but better than doing nothing.
Cut way back on my eating lost 60 pounds wanting to lose another 60 but I'm stuck for now.
I wish there was somewhere here to go swimming as I have arthritis all over and land-based exercise like jogging or even walking hurts a bunch. I have a mountain bike but can't ride here half the year in winter. I picked up a nice recumbent bike with one of those computers to set programs etc at a local thrift store for $25. Works peddling in either direction so can work all the leg muscles. Just had to wire a different plug onto a wall-wart to give it power. Lots of free weights with a simple bench that has a leg lift. Stair stepper unit that has me huffing and puffing in about 5 min. Treadmill too but then the joints start hurting fast. Enough stuff to get good workouts if I get off my arse and do something.
Sux about the prostate cancer. I started having issues 7 or 8 years ago and after a DRE from the local doc who thought he felt a lump got referred to a urologist and sent for an MRI that showed enlargement but nothing else. 5 years and 3 more MRIs later still no sign of cancer tho the urologist was bugging me for a biopsy. He also wanted me to travel down to Edmonton for a hi-rez MRI which I did last December. Came back as level 2 out of 5 saying it was very unlikely there was an active cancer with moderate enlargement at 65cc. Never heard anything from him since so don't know if he's dropped me or not. Used to have to get up to pee 5 times a night at the start but with the right supplements sleep all night without having to go. At my age, 68, I most likely do have cancer in there but after reading a couple books on the subject found out that the vast majority of prostate cancers are slow growing and will never be a problem cause something else will kill me first.
In the states they've been building billion dollar clinics just to rip out prostates so of course the numbers seem to rising as docs are incentived to order surgery for any sign of abnormal cells found via biopsy. Big money in mutilating men for profit.
Sounds like it's too late for you but the books I read were 'The Whole Life Prostate Book' by Dr. Ballentine who is the head urologist at John Hopkins. Over 600 pages but I read them all. Also, 'The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster' by Richard J. Ablin, the guy that came up with the PSA test back in '70.
Every year, more than a million men undergo painful needle biopsies for prostate cancer, and upward of 100,000 have radical prostatectomies, resulting in incontinence and impotence. But the shocking fact is that most of these men would never have died from this common form of cancer, which frequently grows so slowly that it never even leaves the prostate. How did we get to a point where so many unnecessary tests and surgeries are being done? In The Great Prostate Hoax, Richard J. Ablin exposes how a discovery he made in 1970, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA), was co-opted by the pharmaceutical industry into a multibillion-dollar business. He shows how his discovery of PSA was never meant to be used for screening prostate cancer, and yet nonetheless the test was patented and eventually approved by the FDA in 1994. Now, doctors and victims are beginning to speak out about the harm of the test, and beginning to search for a true prostate cancer-specific marker.
I got both books at the local library and they really opened my eyes. Everything down there is working just fine now with various vitamin and mineral supplements I found out about on the 'web so all I need now is probably surgery to get rid of my diverticulitis problems and I'm seeing a GI specialist next week about that.
A good friend here is planning his funeral due to the doctors giving up on his prostate cancer as it was stage 4 when he was first diagnosed. He's going to be getting radiation on the tumours in his liver but that's very unlikely to do anything but cause him more pain and suffering tho may buy him a little more time. I was giving him RSO and told him I'll give him all he needs free of charge but he seems to not want to keep it up. Still tokes a bit but not enough to make any difference to the outcome.
You mention that you've cut back on your food intake and have lost weight so I hope you are eating healthy enough to supply the vitamins and minerals you need to keep you healthy. So much stuff is lacking in processed foods that most of us have many deficiencies in things like zinc, Mg, D3 and many others. Even fresh veggies etc are lacking the amount of nutrition they had 50 years ago due to the depleted soils they are grown in so we can't get them from our foods.
I've been lucky in that I've always maintained a steady body weight my whole life without dieting or exercise and still weigh about 140lbs on what was originally a 5' 9.5" frame but lost an inch and a half in height due to a compression fracture in my L1 in a MC crash in '83. Achy back sometimes but damn fortunate I didn't end up in a wheelchair.
Hoping you reach your goals and can enjoy what time you have left. We're all on the clock with no idea when it stops so I'm hoping to stay as healthy as possible then just wake up dead one day when my time runs out. Dropping dead fighting a huge salmon on the fly rod would be a fitting end as well.