went from great to shit in one day. help!


Well-Known Member
high humidity for clones

did they have roots at the bottm?
temp should be 80
i donno about these led lamps?


Well-Known Member
ive used led for veg b4 they work really well. they are just shit for flowering. and i cnt really get em to 80. like i said im kinda on a budget rie now. nd a cold streak just hit and its like mid 60's outside bout 70 in my grow room. i wish i had a heater to put in there. and ya they have roots at the bottom


Well-Known Member
o dont get a heater u have a heating pad around put that bitch on low your roots need to develope what nutes are you giving them


Well-Known Member
i have 100% organic hornsby iguana juice grow, and 100% organic kelp extract for root growth. but after i saw they were hurtint i took out half of the medium and replaced it with new medium soaked with distilled water and re planted them. i had only had them for two days so the roots arent very far past the rockwoll. if i were to gues it wud b 1 mm past them. i jus don get it! ive nevr killed a plant this fast before.


Well-Known Member
o ok prob too much nutes not enough time to root take them out u need to ph that shit that distilled water may be off it looks like its a case of nute lockout because of the ph that medium looks like perlite
plus you only need a root stim and proper ph no other nutes they will prob be too much

heating pad or take a plastic shoe box and make a humidity dome

like below new clones need high humidity and low nutes let air in once in a while



Well-Known Member
ok so i did a lot of that this morning.i raised the temp to 80 in there. i ph'd the water i gave it. 6.5, thats the ph in the medium right now. and its just water. but ill go add a cup of water in ther right now. so its up to them if their goin to survive


Well-Known Member
just got home tonight and theres no signs of life. im not guna toss them yet i am stuborn and see if they can fight their way back but other than that it looks like their not guna make it.


Well-Known Member
im going to. i just figured out it is my temp. the nights are too cold for these guys. so i have to go out nd get a warming pad i gues


New Member
by the sounds of it i would quite happily bet on overwatering, the cold shouldn't be the problem just stop them growing. I am using hempy buckets with pure perlite but started my seeds in jiffy pots, they started out fine but i put them in the perlite still in the jiffy pots and watered loads, for the next weeks my seedlings stopped growing and started turning yellow and went really droopy, so i pulled one out and noticed that the roots hadn't made it preperly into the perlite, i washed all of the jiffy cube stuff off and planted the bare roots into the perlite and then did it with the other 3 plants (not suggesting this, might damage the roots but it worked for me, mabye just let them dry out). they then got better and are thriving now.

are you watering directly near the plant? if so i would say you have the same problem, the roots can't breathe. let it dry out a bit and then water around the edges of your pot


Well-Known Member
i would agree with you, but i havent watered them since the transplant. and that was on friday. so the only thing i can do now is wait and see if they can come back. they arent yellow jus dark green and completely droopy. no leaves are even close to paralel to the stem. and i am not planin on watering it for at least another week. because right now the top half if ditsilled water 6.5 ph and the bottom half is 6.5ph nutes 1/8 the strength. but im not using perilite im using fyto-cell. and it says its impossible to overwater. i disagree. but i am goin to wait to water again for a week. i was just so suprised this happened. i just picked up another pk clone,(this one for free) and its doin good. its in the same substance too. i evenly distributed the water and did water close to the stem tho.


New Member
damn i feel for you i was so pissed off when i couldn't figure out my problem. i was just saying i used perlite cause it would be similar to what your using in the way that it not possible to overwater, just meant that the original cube it is in could and if the roots are pretty much stuck in there they'll be drowning, could still be that as it might take a few days to dry out and then more to recover........but yeah hope they get better soon


Active Member
hmmm i feel for you and wish the best of luck on your plants and being on a budget ebay is a good thing if $$$ tight


Well-Known Member
arite so i got a cheap fix. i bought a heat lamp for the lights. it is 78 in there and with 60percent humidity. so they got everything they need. i hope thos little guys pull through


Well-Known Member
Heat lamp may do more damage thats why i said heating pad u can monitor the heat and its for root purposes only u sit it under a pot if heat is coming into your plant u will burn the leaves


Well-Known Member
i didnt put it right next to my plants. its off to the side with a fan blowing on it. its just to warm up the room a little bit. o i have a up of water under it to get my rooms humidity up