Mostly on the older growth big fan leaves there are tons of white dots , I was hoping a solid strain like NL would be immune to bugs but here we go. I have sprayed them a few times with Neem oil, actually I sprayed them about three times in 1 week until I found out you should only spray about once every 10 days, thoughts? So i just took pics with a usb magnifier camera (awesome investment btw for bugs and checking trichomes, i got a veho discovery and am happy with it) It's been about 4 days since last spray with neem and from the pics looks like larva and adults, the flecks of white are pretty numerous around the plant leaves and am not sure wth they are. I am using hempy buckets so maybe somehow bits of perlite are getting on the leaves somehow??? beats me. Looking for any suggestions., I assume I've got thrips but not positive. Go get ladybugs tomorrow maybe?