well well well come im new here


:leaf::leaf::leaf:ello ello friends cam across this forum as i was reading a pot thread in another forum i smoke everyday have done so for years currently on a tollerance brake (day 13 of 60) i cant wait to smoke again
im gonna start a grow some time in the near future and im sure i will be asking all you fine people for advice and i will share my progress pics thats all for now
smoken dankey dank that will make you stankeystank:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hello mate, im new here too :-)

Tollerance break sounds like a damn good idea. Have them forced onto me every couple of months due to droughts where I live. That first hit after time off is so nice :-P


that sucks to be forced into a brake the nugs are always around here in southern cal plus i have a med card so if all else fails i just got to the pot store haha
Hey just signed up to this forum last night or the night before, idk i forgot. just started my own grow a week ago with my hubby. haha its been fun ive been the one doing all the research and staying up till 3 to 4 am reading up on stuff and could you believe that his grow is taller and bigger than mine.. ughhh the irony. well i am very excited to talk to new friends i hope ill be making here on this forum. this is by far the only pot forum i have liked and i have signed up for like 3 already. hope to get some good advise from you all.

the noob.

happy growin