Well water ph levels

If you were told that when your water was tested ,tells me tha your PPM of your waer would be below 60 ppm = Soft water excellent quality . On a Aqua fur ,means constant water flow = less mineral pick up , also you would have a small swing in PH from winter/spring then again summer/ fall from snow melt off . common to see about a .8 ph swing example winter/spring 5.0 summer/ fall 5.8. if you are from the North east ( mountain range)your well water would almost certainly of excellent quality for all your needs . in most cases in that region you could not get better water period.
I dont see any claw. What I do see is either signs of heat stress or your plants praying for Magnesium. Or a combination of both. They actually look pretty healthy. I would not drastically change anything. Maybe just make a tweak here and there....
A liquid test kit can be had for less than $20Can which I seem to find lasts for years. If you are in doubt of your ph tester it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion.
I'm back. My plumber has confirmed my test results.... 4.3 was the lowest reading ,which is wicked acidic water. I'm hoping it is seasonal. I have no idea what's going on.