Well Water 290 ppm plants dying?

Well my plants are looking great because I have been using melted snow as my water but waiting for the snow to melt in my room is getting old fast. I take an original ppm reading of 290 coming out from the well. I bought a $50 G E filter at home depot and that brings it down to 210 200. Now when I use snow to water ( melted of course) it reads 0 ppm. What could possibly be in my well water Iron Salt? I live in Michigan there is a lot of sand, but I am skeptical to use the water even with the filter since it reads 210 ppm. The ladies are looking great thanks guys and don't want to stunt them. FYI I got a little tea kettle in the to use as co2 works great way cheaper than c02 machine, but I really have to solve my water problems them ladies getting huge thanks. Sand Iron u guys think it safe to water with that filter?


Well-Known Member
Same deal here!
location and all.
check your PH and get yourself a 75-100 gpd RO filter off fleabay.
I got one for 150 and it came with a PH polisher. I won't drink our water let alone feed it to a plant!


Well-Known Member
might be worthwhile getting an analysis of your well water.
RO water, distilled water or snow melt are good alternates.

However you could mix some really clean low ppm water with your regular well water to reduce cost. My tap water runs around 130ppm and is generally a good drinking water and works great for hydro


Well-Known Member
if he is near me and has a similar aquifer my ppm are low 300s and the iron is so high, if you bypass my water softener and filter you can dye the tub orange in an instant. Shit come out of the spigot like sludge!


Well-Known Member
if he is near me and has a similar aquifer my ppm are low 300s and the iron is so high, if you bypass my water softener and filter you can dye the tub orange in an instant. Shit come out of the spigot like sludge!
yuch RO seems to be required (water softeners add salts bad news)

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I live in Mi also. My well water is 275-300 on average. My plants thrive on it. Most well water in Mi is very rich in calcium and magnesium with a decent iron content. Due to the fact the entire area sets atop a dolimitic rock formation. Some contains high concentrations of sulphur. So if you can smell sulphur with your nose its probably to high to use. Your best to get a kit from your county health dept and have you particular well water tested. Also be sure the water from your tap is not coming from the hot side or passing through a water softener before the tap. If you do have a water softener then check the outdoor faucets as they are usually plumbed out of the loop of the softener.

Some pics would help even more.
Thanks guys think I nipped it in the butt with that filter the filter is all yellow meaning much iron. So I tested it on one plant and will let ya know a bit later. The tea kettle I got boils water at 140 degrees all you need is heat and boiling water for co2. Looks like a jungle will get pics up shortly for ya. Ive also been turning off the 1000 watt hps at night do to tweekers I mean prowlers ahem on my property, and using the little house light to keep them in veg and let me tell ya saves on your electricity and the ladies love the break at night, I got a www.edenpure heater to heat the room at night cus its been fucking cold ass yo.
I just read that and thought it was wrong but wanted to double check myself before posting and by the time I got back you had replied. from what I read it sounds like water in an open container can absorb some gases out of the air (co2 being one of them) and when being boiled it will release whatever co2 it has absorbed back out in gas form, but once its gone, its gone. it wont keep releasing co2. does that sound right? although either way it doesnt sound beneficial, except maybe to raise the humidity. but then you could just use a humidifier.
Well the filter didn't work. I don't know how these mother fuckers around here grow blueberries with this water, cus there must be serious shit in the h20 I don't even drink it anymore. Guess I am stuck either buying a reverse osmosis machine ( which I am not sure I want to do ) or stuck buying bottled water all summer from bangor hardware. Im not even sure if a reverse osmosis machine would work with my well water? Anyone in southwest Michigan have experience with this? Does it rain enough in the summer to rely on rainwater in southwest Michigan first season.
I think the government of Michigan puts shit in our water to keep us from growing good shit. After all Grand Rapids first town in nation to introduce fluoride into tap water really.
when I was in AZ my well water was above 300, no idea what was in it so I used distilled and it was only .98/gallon. not sure how much water you go through but it might not be that expensive of a route for you to take.


Well-Known Member
You guys need to call around to the grocery stores, even the big wallmarts, you should be able to find RO refills for less than 50c/gal. Good luck


Active Member
Thanks guys think I nipped it in the butt with that filter the filter is all yellow meaning much iron. So I tested it on one plant and will let ya know a bit later. The tea kettle I got boils water at 140 degrees all you need is heat and boiling water for co2. Looks like a jungle will get pics up shortly for ya. Ive also been turning off the 1000 watt hps at night do to tweekers I mean prowlers ahem on my property, and using the little house light to keep them in veg and let me tell ya saves on your electricity and the ladies love the break at night, I got a www.edenpure heater to heat the room at night cus its been fucking cold ass yo.
Wow you failed chemistry........You have 2 Hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that make up water. When boiled its not a chemical reaction, meaning the Water never breaks up its atoms, it turns to water vapor. Still water. How you think you get C02 from boiling water is beyond me. There arent any carbon atoms in the H20 so dont know where you think it comes from.