Well The Big Day Has Arrived

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
great series of posts there doc. i have been in many govt run hospitals. and many for profits. no comparison. you hit the nail on the head and some just will never get it.
Who here is in favor of government run hospitals? I've yet to see anyone make that argument. I'm not sure why this is so complicated for you guys.

There is a necessity for private for profit medical practices. They provide medical advancement at a rate that non-profit medical practices do not. No one is saying other wise.

For profit health insurance does not do anything except make a profit off of denying sick people health care and making health care even more expensive.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Section 8 authorizes the Federal government to establish Post Offices and Post roads. That's transportation.

Amendment 10 states that any power not delegated to the US by the Constitution is the responsibility of the states, or the people.

You seem like a pretty sharp guy so I'm surprised to be giving you a civics lesson.
I'm aware of the 10th amendment, just haven't read the congressional powers section since high school. Guess we're all ignorant about some things.

Interesting that according to that, the federal government's power to build and maintain public roads is dependent on the dying postal system.

Of course that same section gives congress the power to:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
I'd say health care is directly related to the Welfare of the United States in a very clear and literal way.

I knew exactly what you were saying.

That was a little jab a Liberal hypersensitivity over race. And the funny way the outrage only seems to flow in one direction.

Congressman-elect Alan West gets called an "Oreo cookie," or an "Uncle Tom," or a "House Ni@@er" by angry Progressives and Conservatives brush it off.

Call Marco Rubio a 'coconut' and we just laugh at the stupidity of such a comment.

But portray Obama as Curious George or a witch doctor and all hell breaks loose.

Suddenly the Teabaggers, or the Republican party, or Conservatives in general; are racists.

It's a double-standard.


A public health insurance scheme can run at a loss indefinitely. The private sector cannot compete with that. And government does not like competition.

It would ultimately result in the vast majority of Americans dropping their private insurance and having no other choice but the Public option.

Public Education is a great example. How many parents would place their children in private school if they could swing it financially?[/QUOTE]