california is really leniant with their cannabis laws, the most you can have on you before getting arrested is an ounce, but if you are caught with a scale on you you automatically get arrested. other than that its like a slap on the wrist, 100 dollar fine and a court date. ive had friends get rolled up on the cops, and the cops take there stuff and not give them a ticket for it.they were busted for allegedly selling marijuana,..which they were,..but at this present time, had no pot to sell. the plants were mostly clones, roots yet,..tons of them though. there were 2, large,rooted plants that were also taken,but it was like they just didnt care.?
this was in los angeles area
2 days ago i was at the skate park, cops rolled up, searched everyone there, busted a FUCKING 12 YEAR OLD with an ounce and a scale.
12 years old? should he be playing with pokemon?