Well Here Goes


Well-Known Member
Well, I got some more pis for today. My main 6 are really taking off. I'm going to lower the light a bit. The ICU are doing OK. #7 and #8 are my patients. The Hippie Gardener is taking care of #9 and #10. #9 is either Lemon Skunk or Hash Plant X Haze. They don't get the dome anymore. We've been putting them under the MH for a couple hrs a day. #8 will be a miracle to survive and make something of. I might do a Bonsai as a joke for fun. I water my plants with water from my Koi aquarium tank. Anybody got a view on that?

I could also use some help on my timer. I threw up a thread Exhaust and timer ?



Well-Known Member
Well, I got help on powering up a fan in my DIY remote ballast/timer. I wired it with a 3V adapter and it worked. The only problem is I put the fan in backwards and it sucks air IN not OUT. I'll have to make due (once I flip it around). I still have some problem getting it to work. That's a topic for another thread. I also have a problem wiring my Main Timer for the Exhaust Fan. If anyone can help that'd be great.
Exhaust and timer ?
I figure I got some time to get it dialed in.

So today I worked on a fan to draw air into my flowering chamber. After learning how to wire them easy and the meaning of the outputs, I figured why not. I had a few in the garage. Got the fan at Wal-Mart for $6. The adapter is 4.5V and the fan is 3V so it won't last as long right, but run faster?
Can I bypass that plug, and wire it to the lead coming out of it or is that little board in there needed? I figured it has something to do with the 2 speeds.
I'm also re-doing the exhaust fan for the flowering chamber. I'm gonna replace that fan with a small vortex fan. My 6 girls are doing great. the ICU 4 are gonna make it. There's pics of the old flowering exhaust. I'll update after I get done. I'll get a pic up date of the girls too.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I got the new exhaust fan for my flowering chamber done. Here's some pics. I've been working on re-wiring another little fan to add air circulation. I'm gonna move the 6 outlet strip to a better place and get the timer set-up for all 3 fans for 12/12 to keep testing stuff till the girls are ready to go 12/12 too. They are all growing well. I'll get some pics after I clean up my work area from this. I got 3 more ac adapters in varying outputs from the Rescue Mission. $1.29 each. Gotta love that. Anyone think this will be enough? I'm thinking of trying a light carbon filter later to add. I'll have to see how the main Carbon filter works out. Hopefully my girls reek so bad it is an issue.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I got the new exhaust fan for my flowering chamber done. Here's some pics. I've been working on re-wiring another little fan to add air circulation. I'm gonna move the 6 outlet strip to a better place and get the timer set-up for all 3 fans for 12/12 to keep testing stuff till the girls are ready to go 12/12 too. They are all growing well. I'll get some pics after I clean up my work area from this. I got 3 more ac adapters in varying outputs from the Rescue Mission. $1.29 each. Gotta love that. Anyone think this will be enough? I'm thinking of trying a light carbon filter later to add. I'll have to see how the main Carbon filter works out. Hopefully my girls reek so bad it is an issue.
Oops here's the pics



Well-Known Member
Well my girls are on day 10 under the MH. a couple are on day 12; one day 13. Do most people just average it for these journals? I'm trying to keep better notes. Anybody think this will be a heavy Indica crop? Can anyone recognize Royal Kush vs. NY White Rhino? I think I might be jumping the gun a bit on trying to know. I think I'm getting fairly close to topping a couple. I want the 4 colas like Uncle Ben's thread. I was thinking of going for 2 colas on a couple. What do you guys think? Is #2 almost ready?



Well-Known Member
Well my girls are on day 10 under the MH. a couple are on day 12; one day 13. Do most people just average it for these journals? I'm trying to keep better notes. Anybody think this will be a heavy Indica crop? Can anyone recognize Royal Kush vs. NY White Rhino? I think I might be jumping the gun a bit on trying to know. I think I'm getting fairly close to topping a couple. I want the 4 colas like Uncle Ben's thread. I was thinking of going for 2 colas on a couple. What do you guys think? Is #2 almost ready?

UB's topping method works best with new seedlings, because clones are already mature they respond differently and do not usually give 4 colas, expect 2 or 3 and you need to let a couple of nodes develope above where you want to top, once this happens you are good to go.

Rounding days would be just fine since the one plant is just one day off


Well-Known Member
UB's topping method works best with new seedlings, because clones are already mature they respond differently and do not usually give 4 colas, expect 2 or 3 and you need to let a couple of nodes develope above where you want to top, once this happens you are good to go.

Rounding days would be just fine since the one plant is just one day off
Thx, that makes sense. I figured I'd post some good pics showing what I'm thinking when they get closer. Most are showing the beginnings of their 4th or 5th node.
I think I could have the light closer as the temp is holding at low80's, but I'm in no hurry. As you can see from the "clones" my caregiver brought, I've had to use patience and TLC. What do you think of using the aquarium water in the beginning? I figure it's got very weak N, and when I've used it on house plants they love it. I also picked up the Grandmas molasses yesterday. So I'll have to re-read your thread to make sure I get it all.


Well-Known Member
Here's the latest pics of my girls. #2 is taking off. #5 is also growing good. #6 is lagging behind. I think their root systems are getting strong and they will burst up soon. In 8 days this is their growth.
#1 grew 3/4"
#2 1 1/4"
#3 1/2"
#4 1 1/4"'
#5 1"
#6 1/4"
When I list it like that it seems pretty weak. They are all seeming to be kicking out new growth strongly (except #6). I might move the light closer as the temps are holding in the 80-82 range. #7 & #8 got moved into the 4" sq pots. The Hippie Gardener was too tired after working in her flower garden today to transplant hers. They all seem wounded. the 2 mother plants I'm working on for my caregiver are struggling along.
I want to throw out a thanks to IAm5toned
He helped me immensely with my dual HPS ballast
On Experienced Electrician here to answer any and all Growroom ELECTRICAL QUESTIONS
BigBudBalls and mrmadcow also helped me out with my wiring confusion.



Well-Known Member
Here's a morning pic and update. I watered each last night, and soak them fully for a few minutes, then put them to bed. My HPS system came on when it was suppose to. The Temps are staying under 85. Here's some pics of the improvements I've made. The added fan on the intake seems to help, as does the one over the MH Ballast. I added one under the surge protector that can be flattened to the wall if need be. I added the extra plugs on the way to the surg. prot. I've been giving them water from my last 55Gal. Koi aq. Every other watering, Last night it was normal water that sat out of a day or 2.
I have another small fan to add this week. I have a fan mounted under my squirrel cage fan. It has cloth "blades":) I put it in a couple weeks ago $10 at office depot. I went to get 1 more and they had'm for $5 so I got 2.8-) I'll get them in soon also. I'm worried that the 400MH 300HPS lights will get too hot.:-(



Well-Known Member
Here's some new pics. They are growing fast. #6 isn't taking off yet. Tomorrow they will need watering again, I'm going to feed them 1/4 strength Fish Emulsion. I think they need some N. I'm going to hold off on #6 till I start seeing new growth and then looking less deep green. I'm thinking of topping some per UB's 2-4 main colas thread. #2 & #5 are on their 6th nodes. I'll put up pics tomorrow to show where I'm thinking. Any comments?



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of topping #2. It's on it's 6th node starting 7th. I read U.B thread on 2/4 Main Colas. I want to try it on #2 & #5. I cut above the 2nd node right?. I put a white wire to show. I was going to clip under the wire. Any comments from those that top this way? I want to try a couple ways this grow. I figure I need to work on ironing out the kinks, and learning what I can fit in 6.45 sq. ft. I made a bucket w/ fan to help control the stank some. Any recommendations? I'm getting Soil Moist to fill to the blk line. I don't like the idea of Pine Sol smell.
ICU Update #7 Pepe hasn't shown any new growth. #8 is going well. The Hippie Gardener's two are taking off.:peace: #9 compared to 2 weeks ago is comical. Here's a pic of her Easter Cactus. I threw up one of my guard dog Cassius too.
Peace Daniels:weed:



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of topping #2. It's on it's 6th node starting 7th. I read U.B thread on 2/4 Main Colas. I want to try it on #2 & #5. I cut above the 2nd node right?. I put a white wire to show. I was going to clip under the wire. Any comments from those that top this way? I want to try a couple ways this grow. I figure I need to work on ironing out the kinks, and learning what I can fit in 6.45 sq. ft. I made a bucket w/ fan to help control the stank some. Any recommendations? I'm getting Soil Moist to fill to the blk line. I don't like the idea of Pine Sol smell.
ICU Update #7 Pepe hasn't shown any new growth. #8 is going well. The Hippie Gardener's two are taking off.:peace: #9 compared to 2 weeks ago is comical. Here's a pic of her Easter Cactus. I threw up one of my guard dog Cassius too.
Peace Daniels:weed:
Your white wire is correct for UB's way

Mr. Blue

Active Member
Looks like some slight over watering.
I also just recently had that slight yellowing of my clones right as they were taking root. I gave them a small dose of Nitrogen and they colored back up real nice.


Well-Known Member
Looks like some slight over watering.
I also just recently had that slight yellowing of my clones right as they were taking root. I gave them a small dose of Nitrogen and they colored back up real nice.
Last night they got a 25% N nute feeding. I think all but #6 used up the N in the soil mix already. I figure I'll know tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here's all 6 one day after their 25% Fish Emulsion feeding. (except #6) They took off as expected. I'm thinking of topping #2 & #5 tonight or tomorrow morning. #6 is showing some slight new growth. I'm not sure why it isn't doing much for the past week. #4 is growing fast with really tight spacing in-between nodes. I think it will be a great one. I think it is the Royal Kush, but I'll have to wait a while to know. I re-did some wiring for the Mom/clone area today. I added one more weak light and changed the timer positioning. It's now tucked out of the way, freeing up room for the next cloning. So I wanted to figure out something to keep the cords to my Dual HPS hood from laying on the top. I looked up everything I could think of on the internet all I could find cheaply was tool retrievers for Fly Fishing ($7-9). Then I thought of the name tags my mom wears at a hospital. She got me 2 and they work great. Any comments, feel free.



Well-Known Member
Well here's another update. I've been feeding them a 50% Fish Emulsion every couple days when I think they can handle more water. I definitely waited too long to begin their N feeding. I thought my soil had enough for their first few weeks. I was wrong. I'm going to keep up the N at 50% for a week or two. (they got watered right before the pics) I'll hold off on topping until the color deepens. #9 & # 10 came out of ICU today to see if they can handle the MH.

