Well... Here goes nothing


Active Member
Well, I actually know all about flushing...surprise. Yes, I did flush about two weeks ago. I don't use pure water, you never should!!! I flush with clearex and a small amount of cal-mag. Yes, I do adjust ph too! No salt build up, as that is the reason for clearex. It is basically just sugars that break down any salts.

To whoever it was that said I used chemical nutes, you are mistaken. Botanicare is almost purely organic, it just so happens to be omri (Organic Materials Reaseach Institute) certified.

So, back to what might cause LEAF VEIN BURNING!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey smokey! Is your problem still ongoing? Just to clear this up, are you using ebb n flow system? I honestly can't think of anything that might cause the burning of veins unless it was the b1 you gave. Other than that I would recommend using hydroton with ebb n flow. I have never been fond of any sort of coco (ph issues) but thats just me. Sorry if i haven't helped much but I think you need to ask someone higher up the food chain here, im sure they will gladly help you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh and the sudden C02 change could of very well caused shock to the ladies hence the early flowering... Are they struggling a lot? Seeing as though you're 5 weeks in might better if you don't change anything radically. Might have to sit this one through till they're done. Try hydroton for your next grow man, very easy to use :P


Well-Known Member
IMO your PH is too high causing Iron and CA deficiencies together. The damage is done, the leaves will never go back to being green and lush they are dead.

FWIW I had no problems figuring out that you had to click the links to see the pics, although at the high res they did take a bit to load.


Well-Known Member
What is your res. temp. This happened to me last year and it turned out to be root rot from high res. temps. This year I purchesed a chiller for my res. and everything is cool.

Good Luck, DH