Well Here Goes Again


Well-Known Member

I will be drowning my plants when the time comes. I do cough a lot and I cant wait to test it out because it seems I cough to get high....LOL.

I will also help with Easy420forme to rearrange all your furniture to do some taste testing. Maybe we can make "Daniel's Challenge" like the old school Pepsi/Coke taste testing challenges....LOL. Looks good bro! Enjoy your hard work and do a lot of tasting....Your :leaf:buds:leaf: look like sweet candy to me!!!! Delicious.:clap:


usually a harsh smoke is due to not drying properly (usually wayyy to fast) snd not curing long enough..resulting in harshness and snap crackle and popping


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics to show any doubters how good these CMH's are. 1 day under the CMH. I moved them out a bit not so under the shade. I super-cropped that Mother too. Enjoy:leaf:
11-9 Purple Rain #2 & #3.jpgPurple Rain #2 & #3.jpg11-9 Purple Rain #4 & #5.jpgPurple Rain #4 & #5.jpg11-9 Purple Rain #6.jpgPurple Rain #6.jpgPurple Rain All.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a bunch of cheap labor daniels! Where were they when you made that trip to your old house :wall:


Well-Known Member
Yea, Gee help moving for smoke, I'm amazed.:-P Thx guys.:leaf: Final weigh in for Mary Eastey came out at 78 grams.:-o


Well-Known Member
I had a little game going to name one of these six. Gumball was the winner. I gave the option of waiting till I sex these 6 and name a guaranteed female or pick one now but risk a male.
He choose to name #6 Alyssa now. When I top them, I'll sex the clones as soon as they show roots.
I'll start dampening #1 off today a bit.
11-13 Purple Rain #6 Alyssa 3.jpg11-13 Purple Rain #6 Alyssa 2.jpg11-13 Purple Rain #1.jpg11-13 Purple Rain #2 & #3.jpg11-13 Purple Rain #4 & #5.jpg11-13 Purple Rain All.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thats a very nice name GB picked, it is my daughters name!!! Alyssa will be a sweetheart!!! Good Luck and looking good as always D!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here we go guys.:leaf: I got set-up to 'make it rain' on these 5.

I cut up another shelf from the FrigiDare. I used the bottom 'crisper' drawer from a fridge to make a container to 'rain' into. I used some of the C shaped rubber pieces to make sit so it can't slide around. It was the perfect width for another one for above a 5 gal.:-P

So if you haven't followed any of RiddleMe's threads I'll summarize if I can. What I'm doing is leeching the soil with water pH'd to 6.0-6.5. This is like true rain water outdoors. I water 3 times the soil or more. So the 4" sq. pots are about 16 oz. so I watered 3 pint glasses into each. It was a bit more to use the last of the 3rd gallon I made.
Then once it needs watering next will start with a 1/4 str. of nutes. The plant Wicks up the moisture. I expect a noticeable growth spurt.

'Rain' Gear 3.jpg
'Rain' Gear.jpg'Rain' Gear 2.jpg
11-14 Purple Rain pH'd watering Best.jpg11-14 Purple Rain pH'd watering Best after.jpg11-14 Purple Rain pH'd watering Top.jpg


Active Member
Thanks D! I like that over starting with my party cups when I plan to go up in size. I bet they drain very well obviously with peat moss. thanks


Well-Known Member
I think one benefit to the party cup as opposed to the peat cup is that if the roots are established well enough then the root ball will slide out of the party cup pretty much intact. I could be wrong. I know your suppose to be able to plant the peat cup right into the ground and the roots will grow through, but I don't think that always works as well as it is suppose to.


Well-Known Member
I think one benefit to the party cup as opposed to the peat cup is that if the roots are established well enough then the root ball will slide out of the party cup pretty much intact. I could be wrong. I know your suppose to be able to plant the peat cup right into the ground and the roots will grow through, but I don't think that always works as well as it is suppose to.
That's why I peel it off wet. I've used them landscaping a bunch. Some times they don't break down well. Just the way I've done for years, so why change up now. Party cups are too big IMO. I like the up-can out of these to bury the stem deeper into the 4".