From Wiki
Mary Parker of
Mass., was executed September 22, 1692, with several
others, for witchcraft in the
Salem witch trials. She was 68 days old into Flowering.
I got her harvested after everyone left. I got a few Pics of my Harvest Gnome Rumple Resin-skin. I'm gonna try to get him in with my crops before I kill them.
I'm gonna put up some full Pics first, then Close Bud Porn, then a few shots of the Diesel Cross.
I sprayed these with Dr. Doom Hot Shots (I think that was the name) twice, the leaves were effected as you could tell a ways back. A Dr. Fogger too got the wave of S.M.'s
This drowning definitely made them dry up as it lives off of them.(Fan Leaves) I think the drownin' made it release its smell quickly at first then faded after the first 5 to 7 days. Like the first day to three in the Dry Box. The Lower Half was fading its deep Indica green as the last new Pistils (sp?) were formed. I saw what I thought might be male Nanners yesterday. This morning I was sure they were.
I filled one Box with the Three Main Colas, and the dense next level of buds. The second Box has the lower Colas which are fine for the H.G. and the Sis. I like the heavy Indica (as you may have noticed

), so this will work fine.
I think I will do this next time for 3 to 5 days. For one thing I have to leave and the Diesel may be harvested the day I get back. The next Plants up are George W.'s Twins in my PC. I'll drown one and harvest normally on the other. I think it starts the Cure as it realizes what's coming. Good Experiment RiddleMe.
