Well-Known Member
Here's my soil mix and it's analysis from Texas A&M
This mix is
2 c. ft. Cheap Top Soil
1 5 gal. bucket of Peat Moss, Perlite, Vermiculite
1.5 cups Blood Meal
1 cup Bone Meal
.5 cup Dolomite Lime (crushed fine)
.25 cup Epsom Salt
My sample came back over 'all Critical Levels' (CL) except for Sodium
It was
pH 7.1 Slightly Alkaline
Conductivity 500 umho/cm Slight
Nitrate-N 49 ppm Critical Levels are CL and N is -
Phosphorus 95 ppm CL 50
Potassium 331 ppm CL 175
Calcium 2,822 ppm CL 180
Magnesium 445 ppm CL 50
Sulfur 86 ppm CL 13
Sodium 192 ppm CL -
Iron 45.10 ppm CL 4.25
Zinc 4.36 ppm CL .27
Manganese 15.36 ppm CL 1.00
Copper 1.07 ppm CL .16
I have enough of my old soil for 6 pints
for when I top these. I'll start this soil on the next up-canning. Remember this is for my Tomato Crop. Report even agrees.

This mix is
2 c. ft. Cheap Top Soil
1 5 gal. bucket of Peat Moss, Perlite, Vermiculite
1.5 cups Blood Meal
1 cup Bone Meal
.5 cup Dolomite Lime (crushed fine)
.25 cup Epsom Salt
My sample came back over 'all Critical Levels' (CL) except for Sodium
It was
pH 7.1 Slightly Alkaline
Conductivity 500 umho/cm Slight
Nitrate-N 49 ppm Critical Levels are CL and N is -
Phosphorus 95 ppm CL 50
Potassium 331 ppm CL 175
Calcium 2,822 ppm CL 180
Magnesium 445 ppm CL 50
Sulfur 86 ppm CL 13
Sodium 192 ppm CL -
Iron 45.10 ppm CL 4.25
Zinc 4.36 ppm CL .27
Manganese 15.36 ppm CL 1.00
Copper 1.07 ppm CL .16
I have enough of my old soil for 6 pints
