well... flowering is going horrible. help please!


i had a broken timer and on top of that i was forced into flowering due to space. so my plant was getting 4 hours of light and 20 hours of darkness everyday for about 2 weeks..... shit now that i think about it, it might have been more like 3 weeks... anyways would that ruin my 2 plants? or did it just slow down the flowering/growing process? one isn't looking so good... it has a lot of yellow and purple leafs however the other one is pretty green and looks relatively healthy. they both have bud formation but its not a lot. for 6 weeks the buds should be a lot more mature then what they are now but then again for 3 weeks it was getting 4 hours of light and 20 hours of darkness everyday. so are my plants as good as dead or is the flowering process just gonna take extra long considering what happened the first three weeks? i'm super worried.... this is my first grow and i'm extremely frusterated...


Active Member
actually I would start to veg them again for a week or so, even the nutes, wait until you start to see new growth and THEN switch them to 12/12 and to flowering Nutes. I can honestly say I have no experience with this particular problem. We are fighting nature tho, because you basically just told the plant that it was too late in the season for it to thrive. But people take their plants from flower back to veg all of the time so you might be ok.


Active Member
I'm sure it will take some time, now that I think about it a little more I think you should prob let them veg for more like 2 - 3 weeks before expecting them to take to flowering, dont pick off any foliage or do anything else to piss these girls off. Also dont overfeed them thinking it will help them recover, just fed them normally, and dont put them on 24 hrs of light either, I would go to 16 - 8 for a few days and then to 18 - 6 and if they seem to like that take them to 20/4. After they start growing again and look good and perky again, switch them over to 12/12.

I have heard of people leaving their plants in darkness for 48 hours before harvest to signal that "the end is near", but I have never seen a plant that was light stressed for this long so I am just applying a little bit of common sense, and trying to ease them out of their stooper.

The only other advice I think I can offer is to not waste too much time on these plants, if they dont start looking better in a week or so they prob wont get better.

Do you have any Pics?


I'll deffinitly upload some pics tomarrow. possibly tonight if i get the time but deff tomarrow. the only thing that worries me about putting them back into the veg cycle is that will the buds that i have now die off once i do that?


Well-Known Member
not necessarily, just put em back on veg cycle bro and you will atleast have a chance. i mean anything can happen but why F around and have a fail? you kno what im sayin, have you put them in veg since you got advice from others?



yea man thats true. don't have time tonight anymore but i'll upload some pics the second i get home tomarrow