Well another 1000W HPS make the difference.


Active Member
I have heard a'lot of people say it's ALL about lighting. I already run 1000W HPS in my flower room. Will adding another 1000W really increase my yield noticeably?
I am already pulling about 2-3oz per plant looking for some more weight tho. Thanks!

aussie originals

Active Member
most likely more light wont get you where you want. how big is the grow space?

after a certain point more light is useless unless you run co2


Well-Known Member
hell yeah you'll get more yield! optimal light would be 50sq. ft. per watt. right now you're running 23.67 sq. ft. per watt. adding another 1000 will put you at 47.4 sq. ft. per watt. that would be right around optimal light coverage. if heat isn't an issue, i'd go for it no doubt.

ur area is too big for just one 1000 watter but a lil small for 2......
nah dude if he can manage the temps properly then i think 2x 1000s in a 6.5'x6.5' would be perfect.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah you'll get more yield! optimal light would be 50sq. ft. per watt. right now you're running 23.67 sq. ft. per watt. adding another 1000 will put you at 47.4 sq. ft. per watt. that would be right around optimal light coverage. if heat isn't an issue, i'd go for it no doubt.

nah dude if he can manage the temps properly then i think 2x 1000s in a 6.5'x6.5' would be perfect.
yeaaah the heat is gonna be a bitch also..... I use a 4 x 4 light blueprint per 1000 watter hps....


I do 6 plants at a time. I used to use 1 1000w HPS, on a mover to get a little more coverage off center. When I added the second 1000, still using the mover, just not moving it quite as far, I noticed quite a bit of difference, nearly doubled my pull. Needed more watering and feeding. Later on I added Co2, and that changed things too.
When I hooked up my second light it was too much draw on the circuit, so I had to make a 240 volt box. Screw paying top dollar. I did this here-


Well-Known Member
4 600's would fit perfect and give you a great even light spread. You could even just get splitters to run 2 600's off each 1k (but you'd need more hoods)


Well-Known Member
4 600's would fit perfect and give you a great even light spread. You could even just get splitters to run 2 600's off each 1k (but you'd need more hoods)
id say 3 600s..... and op we ment the heat from the lights..... I think u missnderstood


Well-Known Member
you know what im high..... 4 600 would be better.... in 6.5 x 6.5 area.... that area would be well illuminated..... should be pulling 4 pounds or slightly better with that kind of light


Well-Known Member
If you have 6 plants an only pulling 3oz of each there is something wrong even with just one 1000 watt light.

Is your grows dialled in as your running full flowering cycle without any problems as should be getting double that.


Since you already have a 1k I'd get another and a light mover. I will help spread the light around evenly and prevent hot spots. You could put 4 plants in there and pull a minimum of 500g/plant assuming no disasters. What medium do you grow in?