welcome to obama economy..


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind Med, that all breeds of dogs descended from wolves, from the giant St Bernard to the tiny Chiuahua.

All it takes is constant breeding of those with genetic mutations to make those mutations the norm.

Modern humans share Zero percent of DNA with neanderthals, yet we share over 99 % of DNA from chimps
Recently there has been evidence that our ability to speak actually came from Neanderthals..within the last year. It was found during the human genome project and through DNA analysis of N remains


New Member
Keep in mind Med, that all breeds of dogs descended from wolves, from the giant St Bernard to the tiny Chiuahua.

All it takes is constant breeding of those with genetic mutations to make those mutations the norm.

Modern humans share Zero percent of DNA with neanderthals, yet we share over 99 % of DNA from chimps
I believe, just like Darwins theory of evolution, this is also a theory. There are no first hand accounts, just like there are no first hand accounts of monkeys turning human, who can actually say a chihuahua came from a wolf. If there were only wolves to breed with, how could you come up with Chihuahuas? Are you suggesting foxes and other canine species all came from wolves also. The 99% similarities in the DNA means nothing other than we have similarities. Now please tell me why we still have Monkeys and apes, simians. These theories, Darwins and yours are just that, theories, neither have been proven. Just like the theory of relativity, new Ideas are coming forth that question the authenticity of the former. I suppose one could take this theory (dogs from wolves, humans from monkeys) and apply it to the animal world in general, hence we all came from the primordial goo. I refuse to believe that a human being with a soul came from the primordial goo. Maybe someone like Dick Cheney did, but I refuse to put myself in that category. I'm of the school of intelligent design, I'll leave the Goo theory up to you.


Well-Known Member
Modern humans share Zero percent of DNA with neanderthals, yet we share over 99 % of DNA from chimps
Wow your totally misinformed miss, we are more closely related to neanderthals than chimps. We share about 99.5 of their DNA, we share about 98% with chimps. Modern humans and neanderthals shared a common ancestor around 500,000 years ago. The ancestor of neanderthal and all modern humans diverged from chimps a few million years ago.


Well-Known Member
I believe, just like Darwins theory of evolution, this is also a theory. There are no first hand accounts, just like there are no first hand accounts of monkeys turning human, who can actually say a chihuahua came from a wolf. If there were only wolves to breed with, how could you come up with Chihuahuas? Are you suggesting foxes and other canine species all came from wolves also. The 99% similarities in the DNA means nothing other than we have similarities. Now please tell me why we still have Monkeys and apes, simians. These theories, Darwins and yours are just that, theories, neither have been proven. Just like the theory of relativity, new Ideas are coming forth that question the authenticity of the former. I suppose one could take this theory (dogs from wolves, humans from monkeys) and apply it to the animal world in general, hence we all came from the primordial goo. I refuse to believe that a human being with a soul came from the primordial goo. Maybe someone like Dick Cheney did, but I refuse to put myself in that category. I'm of the school of intelligent design, I'll leave the Goo theory up to you.
Jeez your lack of understanding of science is brealthtaking. We know that all dogs come from wolves because of the huge amount of evidence DNA. Pick up a book sometime about science you might learn something


New Member
Jeez your lack of understanding of science is brealthtaking. We know that all dogs come from wolves because of the huge amount of evidence DNA. Pick up a book sometime about science you might learn something
You mean so I could be smart like you? Have you ever heard of common sense? I thought not.


New Member
Med Man is illuminating as always... :lol:

You should look up the difference between "scientific" theory and the "layman" theory.

Darwinism is a Scientific theory..... the strongest value of proof given in ideas.

Intelligent design is a layman theory ... unable to withstand scientific scrutiny without failure.

A Scientific theory only holds up as long as a flaw cannot be found. Only Darwinism has held itself up against this crucible of truth and testing.... certainly not Intelligent design....which is riddled with flaws.

Of course in the same breath i must tip my hat to Wallace who was a co discoverer in every way.

it's not surprising at all that Med Man is an ID fellow... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's like everyone around my parts are saying, yah he is black, maybe his middle name is hussein, but give him a chance.


New Member
Med Man is illuminating as always... :lol:

You should look up the difference between "scientific" theory and the "layman" theory.

Darwinism is a Scientific theory..... the strongest value of proof given in ideas.

Intelligent design is a layman theory ... unable to withstand scientific scrutiny without failure.

A Scientific theory only holds up as long as a flaw cannot be found. Only Darwinism has held itself up against this crucible of truth and testing.... certainly not Intelligent design....which is riddled with flaws.

Of course in the same breath i must tip my hat to Wallace who was a co discoverer in every way.

it's not surprising at all that Med Man is an ID fellow... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
And I'm not surprised you're not. I doubt you even believe in such a thing as a soul.

1soul Pronunciation: \&#712;s&#333;l\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English soule, from Old English s&#257;wol; akin to Old High German s&#275;ula soul Date: before 12th century 1: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life2 a: the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe bcapitalized Christian Science : god 1b3: a person's total self4 a: an active or essential part b: a moving spirit : leader5 a: the moral and emotional nature of human beings b: the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment c: spiritual or moral force : fervor6: person <not a soul in sight>7: personification <she is the soul of integrity>8 a: a strong positive feeling (as of intense sensitivity and emotional fervor) conveyed especially by belief in a higher power.


New Member
Well, I have posted this before on other threads but I will repeat it... do NOT focus on the Presidency.... it's CONGRESS which has been doing the major damage to the economy... not Bush, not Obama, not Clinton even. Congress spends the money, Congress plays favorites with this money, Congress melted our financial institutions..... what?!!...... and now Congress is going to fix it??... uh huh... how?... why by going on a full balls out spending spree via the most inefficient pipeline possible.... the public sector. Lawdy.....

If you voted in ANY incumbent member of Congress this last election cycle, you need to hush up about the problems.... you are one of them.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I believe, just like Darwins theory of evolution, this is also a theory. There are no first hand accounts, just like there are no first hand accounts of monkeys turning human, who can actually say a chihuahua came from a wolf. If there were only wolves to breed with, how could you come up with Chihuahuas? Are you suggesting foxes and other canine species all came from wolves also. The 99% similarities in the DNA means nothing other than we have similarities. Now please tell me why we still have Monkeys and apes, simians. These theories, Darwins and yours are just that, theories, neither have been proven. Just like the theory of relativity, new Ideas are coming forth that question the authenticity of the former. I suppose one could take this theory (dogs from wolves, humans from monkeys) and apply it to the animal world in general, hence we all came from the primordial goo. I refuse to believe that a human being with a soul came from the primordial goo. Maybe someone like Dick Cheney did, but I refuse to put myself in that category. I'm of the school of intelligent design, I'll leave the Goo theory up to you.
Midget Dogs with the dwarfism caused by a dominant gene. Either that or Rats are closer to dogs than science actually realizes.


New Member
Well, the mistake he makes is GLARING.... after he goes on and on incorrectly about theories and their values... he posits this gem......

"I refuse to believe that a human being with a soul came from the primordial goo."

Is there a fourth grader on this thread that can point out his GLARING mistake? help this poor sod out.... :lol:out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Well, the mistake he makes is GLARING.... after he goes on and on incorrectly about theories and their values... he posits this gem......

"I refuse to believe that a human being with a soul came from the primordial goo."

Is there a fourth grader on this thread that can point out his GLARING mistake? help this poor sod out.... :lol:out. :blsmoke:
So you're just a modern pile of goo. No soul, which I've been aware of for some time. Well Padner, I'll let you stew in your goo and I could give a fuck what threy are teaching 4th graders BTW. Just because our fucked up school system is brainwashing students, has no effect on me. I, unlike many of you, think outside the brainwashing box. So be comfortable in your falsehoods, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
it is YOU who voted in these people who make the rules..i just play by the rules..you could be making money and playing by the rules too..so ultimately it is YOUR fault...you voted for them..and you are blaming me for profiting off of your stupidity? shouldnt you and the voters of this country pay a terrible price for your stupid decision's?indeed you are going to pay the price..im JUST a chess player...i play by the RULES that are given to me..i profit off of the rules....same as you could...but i will not..nor should i be expected to pay for the bad decisions and stupidity of other people....:leaf:

dude, .................. it's a single period then a space. FUCK!!!!!!!! :wall::wall:

all the money in the world won't buy you a third grade education, will it? lol :clap::clap: