Well-Known Member
out of all the many things you could have done with your second post, you decide to bring up this thread?word is bond humboldt!
why, sir, why.
out of all the many things you could have done with your second post, you decide to bring up this thread?word is bond humboldt!
this is obviously just something you were told, why would it be california that has the best weed? "cuz thats where the stars live" I hope this isnt your answer to that. I made a thread in here (toke n talk) about showing off the green you SMOKE, (what you are about to roll up, not pics of growing plants) post them then we will see who has better bud.... MIDWEST!!!
funny how your post comes off somewhat "high and mighty". like you're too good for cali, eh?jesus this thread is dumb. Talking on the phone from people across the united states everyday has made me realize one thing, People on the coast are dicks, usually pretty high and mighty on themselves. Much rather live in Colorado over California any day.
I say we should start a thread to put the East and the West to the test because the west is the BEST..! I'LL start with my Single monster 1"1/2 tall clone!!!hahah i dont know about all that cali got great weed i will give you that but to say you got the best hahha
all use east coast kids got it going on maine and eastern canada, ny vt.
i will put both east and west to the test i am shure they will be reall close
shit maine got 27 gen pot
thats all i got
Not really, im not high and mighty on myself at all. Ive talked to about 80 people a day for the last 4 years, these people call in from all over the country so i have a pretty good understanding of how people are in each state.funny how your post comes off somewhat "high and mighty". like you're too good for cali, eh?
"i'm better than cali people because i'm not stuck on myself". lol