Welcome to my 600wHPS multi-strain grow.


Whats up guys and gals... forgot to add pics of the sativa lookin bagseed on the last update.. so the first two are of her, she's really stretching fast. I'm anxious to see the quality of this smoke. The seeds came from my dad and he's been saving them for about 10 years. The last 2 pics are of rhe second round I'm getting ready. Cosmonaut OG, and G13. I really wanted to keep my XXX bubba goin but the clones I took still haven't rooted, but are still alive. Been three weeks now, not one root. So I took them out of the bubble cloner and put them in a solo cup with soil... oh well I needed the space. Im going to try and get a small perpetual grow going, but that's a little hard while staying compliant. We'll see what happens!



So all the sudden last night while observing the ladies, I realize where I have made a significant boo boo on this grow, as I can see the flowers beginning to form around this shitty nylon string crap I bought from home depot. At the time, I had done no real research on scragging, and only grasped the basic concept. I was in a hurry at home de-pot and just figured Id grab some sort of string to run through eyehole screws attached to the walls and just criss cross it to make a type of net for training etc. Not really worthy of being called a scrog lol. So now I foresee the flowers maturing around this fibrous nylon string, and having buds full of little fuzzies in the end! There a little over 3 weeks into flower now and starting to really form around the string now. Thinking of just removing the string all together and seeing how it goes, seeing as how these branches are quite hefty from the supercropping. What would you guys recommend? ? Ill post some pics tonight when lights come on!


20131214_212618.jpg20131214_172100-1.jpg20131214_212402.jpg20131214_212201.jpg20131214_212843.jpg20131214_231219.jpg20131214_212704.jpg20131214_231716.jpgGreetings, RIUers. So I removed the crappy string and am gonna hope for the best. It was nice to pull the ladies out for a good look. Im getting a purple tint but only on the very edges of the leaves. Very minor. Probably deficient. I forgot to mention before that I added another 150w hps with a homemade reflector(you can see it in the pic with my ass hanging out. Sorry)mainly for heat purposes. So that brings the room up to 750w of hps+250w of cfl, and a steady lights on temp of 76°f. Found some brer rabbit molasses at my local mountain market. This will be my last update for the time being. Maybe I shall return with a harvest report in the months to come. Stay safe and good luck to all.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Looking good my man, the plants I mean not yer arse :) ...!
Will be interesting to see what the 10 year old bag seed turns out like.... Older genetics :)


Well-Known Member
Goose - We are almost exactly on the same game plan and time line. I got some fresh pics up this AM. You got yours trained short like I do.


Looking good my man, the plants I mean not yer arse :) ...!
Will be interesting to see what the 10 year old bag seed turns out like.... Older genetics :)
Thanks for poppin in Stevieh... ill definitely let you know how she turns out. The close up nug shot in my last post was her. I can tell she's gonna take a while longer than the XXX.

Goose - We are almost exactly on the same game plan and time line. I got some fresh pics up this AM. You got yours trained short like I do.
Cool man, I'm gonna pop in and check em out.


What's up everyone. .. decided I should pop in for an update cause it only seems fair. After all the knowledge I've acquired here, I should at least be sharing my results to add to the database... imo. So here are the ladies at day 42. They seem to be very potent and smelly/tasty after I took a small taster sample, but the size and weight isn't really packing in like I thought it would. I think its just these genetics... or at least I hope. The second to last pic is of the sativa lookin lady... she's filling out very nicely and smells of lemon meringue mixed with like a heavy duty lemon scented degreaser/cleaner. I think I'm more excited to try the bagseed than the BUBBA, as I think I'm a little more partial to the sativas. The other pics are of one of the bubbas that's doing the best. 1 of them(pictured below) is doing the best and looking good and healthy but the others are beginning to curl up and turn yellow/brown and crispy. Kinda worried that they won't make it to harvest. Temps have been ranging from 58°f at night to 78°f during lights on. A little drastic I know, but my temperature battle has become such a headache. I've fed them with molasses twice since the last update. It seems to be harder to balance the pH with molasses in the mix.

Anyways, hope all you gals and guys had a good holiday season! Stay safe & much love. :leaf:

