Welcome to my 600wHPS multi-strain grow.


What's up everyone. Been 2 days since I took a couple cuttings and did the 12/12 flip. Within the first hour of placing the cuttings into cloner cab they were wilted bad. By the next morning one had perked up nicely, but the other still layed there all lifeless looking but I left her in anyway. About 12 hours later she finally came back to life and now they're booth looking perky. Temp in the clone cab have been around 73f and not sure of the res temp as I have not gotten a thermo yet. Theres about 3gal of water in the res pH'd to about 7.0 and one drop superthrive. I know its only 2 cuttings and pretty pathetic to write about, but they were my first two so I decided to document :hump:

The ladys in the flower room are looking very perky and already beginning to start the stretch. I'll post pics later when lights come on. The first two pics are the recovery of the lifeless cutting amd the third pic is of the ladies right when the lights came on after theyer 24hr dark period :peace:



Well-Known Member
Your Journal mate, post what you do so it's not pathetic atoll ........
Hope they pull through they look as if they have a chance ....


What's up everyone, happy Thanksgiving! This is just my weekly update... day 49 total, and day 7 since 12/12 flip. Ladies are starting to get a little hairy now. My little crazy bagseed showed its sex as well... female :lol: she's the one that just started pumping out 11 point leaves within the first two weeks of growth. Excited to see what comes of her. I have a bet going with my dad.... he said there's no possible way I could pull 8+ oz's from this harvest... what do you guys think?

Couple pics.... the first pic is the 11 pointer baby that I just swithed to 12/12 with the others. Shes about 11" tall and kina lime green. The last pic is of some seedlings I have going for the next round. They have some decent growth going for only 7 days old but they're starting to get really purple... temps aren't too low either.

Questions and comments welcome!



Well-Known Member
Damn man those look great. I've got a 600W lamp cooking some girls myself. Link in signature.

I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours !

Subbed up buddy. Nobody pays much attention to these grow threads until you get some bud porn up. Or start a pissing match. Ha !

I like the solid green, blemish-free foliage. Looks like you're doing everything right. Nice fat green indica leaves, take care of them.


Damn man those look great. I've got a 600W lamp cooking some girls myself. Link in signature.

I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours !

Subbed up buddy. Nobody pays much attention to these grow threads until you get some bud porn up. Or start a pissing match. Ha !

I like the solid green, blemish-free foliage. Looks like you're doing everything right. Nice fat green indica leaves, take care of them.
Thanks for stopping by man. I know what ya mean about no one really paying attention... you can only see so many vegging plants before its not too interesting anymore. Hopefully ill have some XXX bud porn to post up within the next few weeks here :hump:
I've been checking out your journal as well for the last few weeks. I'm definitely borrowing your screen table idea for the next round. I converted a washing machine tray into a drain table this round, but its just not working as I anticipated lol. Anyways, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by man. I know what ya mean about no one really paying attention... you can only see so many vegging plants before its not too interesting anymore. Hopefully ill have some XXX bud porn to post up within the next few weeks here :hump:
I've been checking out your journal as well for the last few weeks. I'm definitely borrowing your screen table idea for the next round.
Table is great and cost maybe $25 to make BUT use heavier gauge wire than I did. What I got was like 3/8" hardware screen. I stretched it OK and screwed and stapled it in but it still sags a bit with the weight of the pots and they tip a little bit between the joists. I'm definitely gonna replace mine next grow. Get some stiff heavy mesh stuff.


Table is great and cost maybe $25 to make BUT use heavier gauge wire than I did. What I got was like 3/8" hardware screen. I stretched it OK and screwed and stapled it in but it still sags a bit with the weight of the pots and they tip a little bit between the joists. I'm definitely gonna replace mine next grow. Get some stiff heavy mesh stuff.
Thanks for the tip... I was actually thinking the same thing the first time I saw it. I really like the idea of air being able to flow through the table. Plus any additions to the room, if necessary, could be put under the table and still catch some lumens.

update with the flower room!
Its been 10 days since the light flip, and ladies are starting to get stinky and hairy.... I went to home depot and got a few items to construct another intake. I have one passive 4"x12" intake at the bottom corner of my box, and decided to add a nother on the opposite side at the top of the box, so I could get some warmer air goin through there... plus one single intake for my 440cfm exhaust was somewhat inefficient I think. Too much negative pressure in the room, and I think that helps to create to much pressure on the fan, resulting in earlier breakdown? Just thinking out loud here. So I added the intake at the top of the room but on the inside I ducted that vent to the floor to bring the warm are in lower so it can circulate the room better. Everything looking good right now, gave the ladies some 1/4 strength big bloom on they're last watering. Pics to follow in next post.... thanks for looking.



20131130_121555.jpgWhat's up everyone. Here are some pics. A small bit of porn! Also a couple pics of my new intake installed, and a couple pics of a new 150w hps I rigged up from an old outdoor flood light type thing. Gonna add it in the room tonight when lights come on. The added heat will help a lot, as its hard to get the room above 71f. The room is beginning to be something! Let me know what you guys think!



What's up everyone. Heres a pic update from last night. Day 50 total, and day 10 of 12/12. The ladies are taking off and looking beautiful. See all that new yellow growth in the canopy shot?? I'm loving these pics. Lemme know what you guys think!



8oz's seems like a nice goal to set, I can't imagine getting much more than that to be honest, but they look amazing. Who knows though, I don't have any experience with your strains, so I can only guess. weight is a tricky thing too, looks can be deceiving. They are all really healthy though, dark green with 7 prong leafs.. beautiful. Good stuff my man, keep up the good work.
Thanks for stopping by man! Yea as everyday passes, this 8oz goal becoming more realistic. Sites are filling in everywhere, and I've been tucking them every day to control canopy. Been pretty busy the last few days, but ill get a pic update tomorrow evening on the 8 week mark. PEACE


What's up guys and gals... here's a pic of my random bagseed plant in the middle of my crop. She stretched almost 4" in one day! While the XXX/BUBBA stretched about an inch. Its long and lanky with 11 point leaves. Sativa? ? What you guys think?



Well... sativa it is then! Lol thanks for the feedback :lol:

XXX/Bubba is lookin tasty. This pic was about 3 days ago...


Well-Known Member
No way did no body answer that, I seen it but wasn't signed in ......
I think it's a Hybrid but defo more sativa in it budddddddyyyyy :)

They are Looking good as well my I add ...!


Bro you got some excellent color going on there. GREEN is where it's at!
Thanks man! The ladies are looking quite pretty... I'm doin weekly update #9 tonight when lights come on. My little sativa dom hybrid is beginning to tower over everything else. And I've finally figured out my strain problem. I thought I had x2 oG #18and and x2 XXX/Bubba, but all 4 are XXX.


Whats up everyone... just the weekly update. Things looking good. Minor nute burn to one plant. What you guys think?? bongsmilie

