Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Thanks for the encouragement ;) but I have some bad news, Mother in law came over Weds to stay with us for a while so wife says I must get rid of plant. I took it to a friends for him to look after 4 days on shes looks limp. She was green and lush when I handed her over ;( . ...... 1.5 weeks left then I get my baby back she will need rescuing.

If I have any problems can post some pics on here for some advice.


Managed to get my friend to send a pic of my baby let me know if you still think she is doing good ;)



Active Member
I'm a 1st time newbie preparing for an indoor cabinet grow. I've got 2 27-gallon tubs I plan to put my seeds in once they have germinated. I'll probably only put 2 seeds in each tub and use a scrog to utilize the space and keep it short. Should I put a couple inches of pea gravel/small rocks in the bottom then potting soil? Should I put some sort of water-penetrable landscape fabric on top of the rocks before the soil?

PS: The light bulbs in the pic are just for testing the fixture - I've got 12 250W equivalent 6500K CFL's on order for veging.


Well-Known Member
i am wondering if anyone ahs tried this im about to try i hope i don't burn the place down lol


Hey everybody. My first thread here on rollitup is gonna be a HOW TO on making a smooth and potent concentrate known as "Iso hash" Ive been growing indoor and outdoor for a little over a year and done over 15 strands but to be honest this was my first try at making hash I found it extremely easy and I wish I would have started doing it alot sooner. Thank you for the read, good luck.

1- trim, buds, or hash
2- isopropyl alcohal (for this one I used 50% isopropyl rubbing alcohal but you could use 98% or similar and probably get a stronger yeild; this worked perfect for me. Also, some people say you can use acetone (nail polish remover) instead, I can neither confirm or deny if that works. The alcohal did though)
3- A container capable of holding liquid and sealing. (a mason jar works).
4- A glass tray. (i used a small round one about the size of both hands put together. for bigger amounts you could maybe use a caserole dish. You're going to want to use glass that wont just break from being heated.)
5- A straight edge razor
6- Patience

In your mason jar you will add your trim and isopropyl alcohal until the mixture is thin enough to allow the thc to be seperated from the plant matter. (So a little more alcohal than weed.)
Then you want to stir it around for about 20 minutes before you close the jar.
At this point I enclosed the jar inside of a few bags, then put that in a box. (this is to make sure no light touches the project. It will lower your final THC potency.)
After two days I took the jar out. It should be really dark green maybe even black. Seperate the liquid from the solid and throw away the trim leftover. You should now be left with just this dark liquid.
Add the liquid to the glass tray or casserole dish and put the dish on a warming center or very low heat until all of the alcohal has evaporated from the liquid. You DON'T want to boil this.
You are now left with a sticky yet malleable hashish thats easy to smoke too just scrape it off with the razor and store for usage.


Well-Known Member
i am new to this forum and new to hydro but have grown organic for a few years and had great success i just bought two waterfarms and will be trying this next. i have been doing a hydro cfl grow and probably get a few oz out of it. i am gonna learn from conkey the hottest zombie gyrl in az and will be on track to be THE GREATEST FIGHTER OF ALL TIME" JK LOL I LIKE LONG WALKS ON THE BEACH AND DEEP CONVERSATIONS ABOUT NOTHING AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A LOVING ROMANCE LOLOLOLO BUT REALLY i WILL MAKE A JOURNAL OF MY GROW I HOPE PEOPLE WATCH


Well-Known Member
I broke 100 posts yay for me ......i am a funny mf and love to laff at myself. If you cant laff at yourself who can you laff at
New here and will be looking to pick all of your brains. I have MS so have been relying on outdoor cultivation of a few plants for a few years for my own needs, with mixed results. Some years great, some not. Want to up my game.

My state just legalized medical and I want to become a cultivator and care giver. Am about to do over my basement into a 2 part grow room. Will need to purchase most things so any help there will be greatly appreciated.

Have to add that I have been organically growing vegetables for years, start everything from seed and have a super bountiful traditional garden, so have hort experience. Now just need to bring it indoors. Want to do soil, not hydroponic as I feel I have a connection to soil and may still do an outdoor grow in the summer, because I love how big and beautiful the plants get, but it's a little paranoia inducing and I live in so not ideal conditions. (New England)
hey all new here. without getting into details, i've recently become interested in the particulars of growing.

i don't even want to say where i'm from just because the particular jurisdiction in which i reside has rather stringent and outdated laws regarding anything having to do with cannabis, let alone its cultivation. which is stupid considering how easy it is to find the ip address of people who post on forums, but whatever i'm a stoner the internet makes me paranoid lol


Gonna be making my own hyrdo set up. I need help with a few things? After I find a secure place to setup ill be sure to include pics in my future posts!

Let me start by saying I have been doing a sh$t ton of research on weed growing and hydroponics. Im just asking for a experienced hydro grower!

Whats is the best type of light to use and also the cheapest?

Do you have any tips for me starting out?

What are some techniques you know of for bigger, and better buds?

Any one from the 518 area down for a toke? lol :D


Active Member
A bro, just wna say that I would recommend you letting her stay in veg & let her fully grow.
She's beautiful man, keep doing like you doing. I used to Veg for 3 months and then Flower
a nice 3' or 4' tree. I haven't figured out how to upload old pics of mine but once I do hope
you check it out.
She will grow in flower too, basically she'll double or triple in size. She don't look much more than
maybe 8"... Before flowering put her in a 5 or 10 Gal Pot SHE"LL BE HAPPY!!!! Make sure you have 2"
of rocks at the bottom of your pot. That will prevent back flow of water into the pot. You're doing a
good job bro, so keep it up mane. :eyesmoke:

As stated in my PM heres new pic plant has been at my friends for nearly 2 weeks she still ok but not as good when she was with me



Hello this is Salmex, I live in the first southern state to have medical marijuana in the ballot this year. unfortunately it didn't pass this time around. One of the reasons I joined is because I have learn a lot from you guys and I just can't seem to be able to stop from reading and reading. and I never liked to read in school but here I can't stop :) I like to say Thank you for the great amount of knowledge I have acquired from this awesome forum and for the the one to come. I look forward for the day that this Awesome God given medicine will be available to all of us without the man made consequences. Both of my parents are diabetic and they seem to be in the beginning stages of dementia and that's my main reason I started to read and learn more.
Once again thank you very much for all your help and happy :bigjoint:


hi there thank you for this forum id like to learn all those stuff as
i keep hearing thing so i mite well start learn it and guide it to my close mate
i wish i could do it up but i cant lol
so i better learn and pop up to the place to sort it out
im deafness so good luck peer i will keep reading and post whatever i can as i want see more innt
anybody new to growing.... I'm here to answer questions you may have. I use a new-tech lighting that is going to revolutionize growing indoors! Let me know if you have questions. (I have lots of info, but am admittedly new to the chat-board thing) See you soon......



New Member
Found this place to be very informative , I'm just diving in , use to grow outdoors, what a pain &nerve racking. The wife gave me the ok to put a small grow room in the basement. I have Just a few simple ?'s , like , when to start nutes. When to start LST. Helpful ways to germinate . Any help would be appreciated . Together we will turn the world Green!


Greetings from H.I.M. Selassie I. Hello, guys! I just joined not too long ago and I have been reading a lot lately. There seem to be a lot of great ways to grow Herb and many of the methods have all the same basics but each and individual grower posts his/her own version of it. I love to read Grower Journals and I have learned, to a certain extent. I still feel like I am stuck in a lot of ways and this is when I start searching page after page for countless of times, looking for answers and after reading them all; I get confused in the end. Lol! I started my second grow ever and this time it will be the 1st Grow Box/Tent grow ever as in last time, it was a closet grow that gave a decent yield for one plant with really low low budget equipment. I started growing Cannabis as a Personal Medicinal Use Only because having to spend a lot of times chasing 'dealers' is a really big hassle, specially when all they sell in my area is just shwaggy-no-name-compacted-cannabis with a lot of stems and seeds.

Anyway, enough with my long rant as I don't want to give readers a lot to read so they may rest their eyes. :-) I am in dire need of more opinions as I have encountered some issues that I need help on and any advice is appreciated; on my second grow. I am in the market of purchasing DECENT Lighting and that is one of the things in which I am stuck, at the moment. I will post links below! Nice to see everyone so united in this community, regardless of all the negative stuff people bring to the table, sometimes. Herb is a Sacrament to I and I am blessed to grow this Herb of Healing for my self and to anyone I know that needs healing; free-of charge. Bless and Love!

1st Grow [Old]: https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/555498-greetings-newbie-w-issues-need.html

2nd Grow [New]: https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/595102-1st-grow-box-grow-need.html


Hi all im in the middle of my first grow and would like to thank everyone who gives advise, I read for months on here and other places before i dipped my toe in the MJ waters.
I have great set up in my indoor tent. Im growing under a t5 using a home made deep water hydro with self mixed nutes using the scrog method. My babies are 2ft tall and 4ft wide good job im only growing 4 or id need a wider tent. Approx 30 nodes on each lush green leaves just about ready to flower maybe leave em a bit longer. Im not bragging cos all ive done is read and learn from you guys on here. Better start reading on getting the most from my bud.
Thanks for the advice Bigedbowman , I found out the problem. It was lack of water. I was told misinformation. One of my babies died(R.I.P Hothoe Generation/clone 3) But I still have my other five children. Two of 'em have reveled their genders, both girls. Can't wait for my other three to show gender(well two, the other just a wee little babie.) As for air flows I have two fans rolling and have a window open, casually I leave the door leading to my grow space open, durning the day.


Active Member
I'm a new grower. This is my first harvest that I've done from seed to finish. I got my seeds from nirvana. I got there package deal with five fem wonder woman's and five fem Venus fly trap plus there grow kit. The grow kit contained germination kit, flower tabs and solitabs. I planted all 10seeds in the germination kit and they're under a 600w hps@ 50% in a container I've covered with clear wrap and are in a 4x4 tent. My question is that am I in trouble if I didn't put any soil over the seeds after I put them it the pre made holes in the germination kit. I covered the seeds but with the soil from the germination kit. The reason I ask is that a few of them look ok but a few look really skinny and are grow ing in weird directions they look like roots growing up. The few that look ok are starting to have leaves but even they look a little strange. Please any advise would greatly appreciated!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!
Just joined up after some time away from some forums. Just got back to work after a couple years taking a break.

I am running a Waterfarm hrydro with 5 buckets right now under t5 lights with red/blue. Doing a weird experimentation with 2 of the buckets. I am running Happyfrog soil in 2 of the buckets (soil hydro?), the other 3 are pebbles.

I made the mistake of giving my babies nutes when i first put them in. They are now undergoing recovery (for about a week now). In a few days I will have the correct nutes and it will be time to start posting some stuff on my system.

Will definitely need some advice and help with nute deff.

Much Love!!!


Hello ladies and gents, I'm a first time grower here and decided to go the tent route! I just finished setting up my ventilation system through my window so now it's GO TIME for me! I plan on getting Blue Dream for my first cycle and was wondering what your guy's thoughts were on it. Thank you guys for the enlightenment!