Welcome New Members!


Thanks to all of you experienced growers for sharing your wisdom and expertise! I am thrilled to have such good information to help me with this process. It is so much time and effort to have it fail! I have lost a couple of plants recently and am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I just hope not to lose my biggest and best... I will post pictures in one of the plant problem forums. I suspect it is a number of factors that are doing my little ladies in... just trying to work out the kinks.

Thanks in advance and happy growing to you all!


Hey I just started my first grow I started 60 store bought seeds, about 50 germinated, and a week later I had about 36 that have grown to about 6 in. I have recently had some yellow leaves that make me worry i cant seem to get my heat down its 87 when the lights are on and 79 when they are off. I mist them whenever I can but im in the army and I cant be home during the day. I have a 200 cf exoust fan and a 200 cf cool air intake fan, I also have a rotating fan. HOW CAN I COOL DOWN MY ROOM??????????????


Well-Known Member
New Grower
hi iam new here and iam starting a new grow(1st ever) i have done alot
of reading so i tought i'll give it a try so here we go i'll post sumpic's later


4x4x7 grow tent w/600hps for flowering
a T5mini and a reg T5 for veg w/400mh
i have: Reserve pervida Headband (f)
Next Generation: Grapefurit Disel
they have been germed
this will be 100% organic in 100% coco and away we grow any tips or any help thanks

Capn Zeke

New person here,I've been growing for a couple months now as a caregiver and am having a blast! I've done lots of research on the web and finally got the courage to get some new strains goin (g 13 and juicy fruit) gotta wait to budd out the plants we have now and begin a new cycle. Any tips or advice on what kind of fertilizer i should use? I am primarily looking to grow in a soil mix, any ideas on that too? =]
Capn Zeke


Active Member
hi people, I ordered some seeds from cannabisseeds.com URL (therightstrains.co.uk), they where silver haze reguler i bought the seeds from this site because money is tight and i thought this is great 12 silver haze seeds for £11.41!!!, so anyway i have tried to germ 2 of the seeds using the paper towl method and they have been in about 30 hours and nothing, all thats happened is the seeds have darkened in colur a little bit, the temperature has been fluctuating though between 21'C - 30'C because they are in my bolier cubord, do you think this might be why they arnt cracking or have they just not had long enuff? i used tap water that has sat out for about a week, PH unknown, but i think i live in a soft water area.

any thoughts?


hi people, I ordered some seeds from cannabisseeds.com URL (therightstrains.co.uk), they where silver haze reguler i bought the seeds from this site because money is tight and i thought this is great 12 silver haze seeds for £11.41!!!, so anyway i have tried to germ 2 of the seeds using the paper towl method and they have been in about 30 hours and nothing, all thats happened is the seeds have darkened in colur a little bit, the temperature has been fluctuating though between 21'C - 30'C because they are in my bolier cubord, do you think this might be why they arnt cracking or have they just not had long enuff? i used tap water that has sat out for about a week, PH unknown, but i think i live in a soft water area.

any thoughts?
grow on soil?


Hi Growers,
Been checking the site out a liitle to get some general ideas on how my 1st time grow should be doing!
I have 2 plants (bagseed) both are now 33 days into flower "12/12" & were veg'd for 28 days, Both grown in 50% JI #1 soil, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite, they are under 600w hps in a garden size of 4x2 foot, humidity is 42% but temps can go up to 95 in the day, 60ish at night, nutes are bio bizz gro, bloom & topmax epsom salts were introduced at day 25. Thing is... 1 plant has skimpy airy light budz everywhere & the other has 1 main cola that seems to be growing fine i will try an upload pics for you guys. Would just like to know if they are growing ok for there flowering age!!!!!


Here r the pictures of my grow so far, All upto date.
Any advice would be totally amazin guys.



Active Member
Hello everyone i have posted a few times on here over the past month im growing afgooey uk cheese lambs breath and the black everything is going good but im new to all this so just saying "im high" no wait i mean "hi" lol
Hey everybody, I just joined myself today. I've checked out this site a few times before. I'm trying to start a small stealth grow, just enough for myself, and i'm looking for all the advice and help I can get. I have a few different ideas so far, right now I'm trying to decide between using a pctower or two 30 gallon rubbermaid totes stacked. But I haven't started to build yet, so if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions i'll take them.

Just to give you guys a little more info i plan to grow in soil, this is only my second attempt, and my first indoor attempt(outdoor attempt-5 plants, 1 eaten, 4 males. total drag), so i dont think i'm ready for a hydroponic system. I would like to get some quality seeds with an identified strain, but right now my funds are low and this has to be done as cheap as possible, so i'm just using beaners I've saved up for the past year or so.

I have had some difficulty getting them to germinate, which wasn't a problem with my first outdoor attempt. this leads me to believe they may not be viable.
wow i've been rambling. well i'll end this post now. again any help would be great,



How long should I keep my plants in vegetation? they will be one month in 3 days? I have read from 6 weeks to 3 months.

My plant is an indoor plant.

I give it 18/6 light.

I have only done one grow last winter which turned out very well. Got in on the attitude June special last month, so plan on another winter grow this year. I use soil and 6 1/2 gallon containers, along with sun light and indoor lighting.
finally got my seeds to germ. starting another batch. still have to go out shopping for my list of materials to build my grow box. i've decided to use a trash can. it seems to be the easiest and cheapest option. anyone ever use a trash can for a grow box? any tips or suggestions?