Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hey folks....thanks for clearing up my cofusion on 24/7 question....Im getting ready for my 1st grow and wan't to start a journal....how do I start 1? Do I need to be elite member?
hi hogleg not sure on how u start journal my freind i myself aint been around too long either


Active Member
hey lucky femanised seeds are worth the extra cost but cloning is better its free get yourself lots of cuttings from any gd females you get going and then there is no need to spend on seeds ever again keep us informed how u get on wont ya >:()


Well-Known Member
hi hogleg not sure on how u start journal my freind i myself aint been around too long either
find a forum relevant to the topic, in this case it can be 'grow journals' or 'indoor growing'.. click on it..then in a left upper corner click on 'new thread' and...start a journal...


Active Member
Must say haven't been here long, but while I have I have found this forum amazing. So much good information and everybody seems to be very friendly and more than helpfull. It's great that this forum exists may it long continue.

Peace Dudes.


Active Member
just brought my first plant indoors its too early to tell the sex i think but right where the nodes split from the main stem where the new baby leafs are growing there are two green not quite hairs but not quite leafs there really skinny little tiny green stalks not sure if this develops into a hair or a new node or what this is my first plant any ideas? is this the begginging signs of female or what?


Active Member
Must say haven't been here long, but while I have I have found this forum amazing. So much good information and everybody seems to be very friendly and more than helpfull. It's great that this forum exists may it long continue.

Peace Dudes.
hi fatchome not been round here myself long but find the info n help around here i need an meetin plenty a gd peeps


Active Member
just brought my first plant indoors its too early to tell the sex i think but right where the nodes split from the main stem where the new baby leafs are growing there are two green not quite hairs but not quite leafs there really skinny little tiny green stalks not sure if this develops into a hair or a new node or what this is my first plant any ideas? is this the begginging signs of female or what?
hi justanother no thats not sign of flower flowering in a female is like a little pod with 2 white hairs pokin out and flowering in a male is like a bunch of upside down bunch of grapes you say u have brought it indoors what lighting do you give ya plant and for how long to force them 2 flower you need 12 hrs light and 12 hrs total uninterupted dark let us know how you go on wont ya


Active Member
hey guys name's G and i'm new to the forum and growing. I'm gonna build a little room and grow 4-5 plants. See my layout in the design section


Active Member
Hello Hello, Fairly new to all of this. I have been around growers for a while now. But just recently tried to do some of it myself. Seems as if there is an abundance of people here with vast knowledge of all types of growing. I'm sure i'll have tons of questions pop up over time.


Well-Known Member
Hey, just joined through the recomendation of a friends of mine. just getting started toying with the ideo of growing. ready to learn. see you all around.



Active Member
Growing is our new hobbie. We started the process a few months ago. We have a few cloons and a couple that we started from seeds. We hope to be able to learn all we need from here. This is not as easy as i thought it would be!

Redheaded Stranger

Active Member
I have first plants growing outdoors in So.California......I have read how to grow on this site......Now I need help to know how long I let hairy buds grow before harvesting......Also, how do you post photo's?


Active Member
I have first plants growing outdoors in So.California......I have read how to grow on this site......Now I need help to know how long I let hairy buds grow before harvesting......Also, how do you post photo's?
iya red let the hairs go 3/4 red or brown b4 harvesting m8 as for pic mk new thread and attach pics like u would with email m8 let us know how u go on with your crop m8
oh and on finishing flowering let your plant have 48 hrs total dark just helps give them a bit of a boost enjoy my freind