Welcome New Members!


Active Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Aloha From the Big island, here from NYC a couple of years now. This looks like a great resource, but I do not have permission to view the resources thread, nor do I have a like button for posts. I went through double verification, but it seems to have had no effect.


Well-Known Member
I recieved a mj plant from a friend, I transplanted it in a field next to the house for security reasons. This is my first plant, I need to know how much water and fertalizer to give it! First I planted it in good soil from my garden, then I've been giving it 1 Gallon of water/day and 1x a week I've been giving it multipurpose mericle grow. It seems to be doing ok! What do you think?
Miracle grow? 1st I have heard of using it. Its a chemical fertilizer. Better make sure you flush your grow very well before you or anyone else smokes the final product.


New Member
Hi everyone. I am super new to the community but not new to smoking. I have been a militant smoker for over 10 years and I recently opened up my own legal medical marijuana collective and delivery service in Southern California. I am here to learn quite frankly, and perhaps contribute if I can in any way. I literally know nothing other than from a smoker's perspective and I plan on starting an indoor grow soon enough. I have grown outdoors once and for being my first time I was very proud of it. I did start with premium seeds. So anyways hi.
Hello Everyone! My name is Eddie Diaz, I am from SoCal, Specifically Long Beach and I am trying to learn how to grow amazing cannabis! Right now i am growing a bagseed, its two weeks, I am still learning the stages but i will post a pic! I put the seed in miracle grow but since the drought in Cali is pretty intense, i am trying to it her in a hydro set. I bought some nutrients to grow a while back but never got around to it but now i am trying, i do not know what kind of nutrient it is but i will find out when i get home. I am on a budget and am thinking of getting some LEDs, its one plant so some advice on how many lights and how many watts and stuff would be amazing! I have a radio show at my local college of CSULB, so if anyone is bored on Tuesdays at 10 PM, feel free to listen in! This grow is a bit of a project, i want to share this grow with my listeners and share any knowledge i can come by so any tips would be amazing! I am really trying to bring awareness and do my part in helping legalize cannabis so if anyone is in the LA area and who would like to come on, that would be great! Thanks guys and cant wait to see what i find in the forum!



New Member
Hello everyone, just wanted to get acquainted. This seems like the place for answers. Hope to get to know some of you and learn a lot. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Hello, Rollitup brothers and sisters! I am not new to growing or growing forums, but this is my first Rollitup account. I haven't been a member of a grow forum for some time. My previous forum was The Garden's Cure, which I think may be no more. I shopped around for a while and was attracted to Rollitup because some of the notable members here are also notable COB LED DIYers, and I am glad that I joined.

I look forward to learning some new stuff, growing some stuff, and putting together a killer COB setup!



New Member
Going to be leveling-up in this forum, prob just lurking for a bit. Growing indoor Promix BX and using Nectar for the Gods. 600W MH, scrog, 3x3 flower, 3x2 propagator with t-5 lighting. Hit me up if you want to talk about nutrient line or medium.
Big shout out to fucking everyone because this forum helped me so much in the beginning and I'm back to brush up. Used to post as WeekendSupervisor, but I blew up those credentials. k peace out.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Hello...I'm new here... :) years ago I operated the trap you see in the avatar. The trap would fill to the top and when the tide went out we'd drive down with the jeep and sweep the herring by night and mackerel by day...every 12.5 hours. Maximum tide was 33 feet in this bay :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own budz...is by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Good Luck and Great Growz!!!


Active Member
Hey RIU people, I'm not new but returning..older and with two kids:). I'm in the UK and hoping to get some plants in the ground at the start of may, I have picked a nice location well away from home and I'm going with some autos as I can then plant more IF im successful! Peas and glove everyone and R.I.P Mr Nice✌x