Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Started with 10 but down to 4 due to nooby paranoia... 2bubble bomb 1og and 1 unknown bag seed. I spent some good money on a nice kit and on the verge of buying more stuff lol.

What about you?
I'm just getting started and getting a handle on growing, so I'm just using what I've got lying around. I have a Platinum Cookies bag seed going and three Casey Dawgs (an older strain from Oaksterdam). Got some Chernobyl in my fridge for when I'm confident enough to get real :)


Was it a hydro kit? What did you do with the other six?? :(
Nope started with coco/verm and I over watered the crap out of them... They felt dry on the top but became a soup in the bottom. Plus I had the wrong light set up and fried some of them... I eventually decided to transplant and save what I could which was 4. 1 of those 4 almost died when the soil crumbled in my hands during transplant... That plant is now my biggest baby.

I basically vegged a little over 2 months just to get them to a decent size before I flipped them 4 days ago. It's true what they say... Overwatering is the biggest problem a new guy makes and a mistake I will never make again...
Ouch!! Good save though!
Nope started with coco/verm and I over watered the crap out of them... They felt dry on the top but became a soup in the bottom. Plus I had the wrong light set up and fried some of them... I eventually decided to transplant and save what I could which was 4. 1 of those 4 almost died when the soil crumbled in my hands during transplant... That plant is now my biggest baby.

I basically vegged a little over 2 months just to get them to a decent size before I flipped them 4 days ago. It's true what they say... Overwatering is the biggest problem a new guy makes and a mistake I will never make again...
Right right. Good save though! Got better drainage now? Lol


Well-Known Member
hello everyone
Stealth grower. Recently given up on hydro and coco (the electricity bill and bother of it all is killing me) and have gone organic (using a layer of 'hot' soil layer and Actively aerated compost tea's). Currently 3 spaces (only two in use). I have a small run (3 plants) about a month away from harvest in space 1. I have 2 small plants (2 weeks in), 2 rooted clones and 4 'late' cuttings (taken 4 weeks or so into flower) in space 3.
I'm using cfl (4ft, 4tube T5HO panel -255w) in space 3. Im using 400w HPS in space 1, and 400w HPS in Space 2)
Rare Dankness, GTH#1. Currently all is well.
I enjoy the stuff written by Jeff Lowenfels, Ruth Stout, good ol Jorge Cervantes, Dr Elaine Ingham etc and try to employ at least some of the methods they suggest.
I'm currently on a 3 plant run (flowering). I plan on a 6 plant run next time (still using only space 1 and 3). I'll give a full run down of my intentions in another post.
I've joined really because i like to learn, and because its nice to have other growers to talk to. As wonderful as she is, the misses just doesn't get how friggin' interesting the wonders of compost tea really are...
Welcome Tanners. I'm only on my first real attempt at growing and I'm ready to give up on coco! The guy I'm learning from uses it with OMRI liquid nutes but I'm not feeling it. So I'm researching organics for the next run (sadly I have a very unscientific mind and some of the info is a real slog). I will check out some of those writers you mentioned. Hope to see some pics of your grow soon!


Thanks for the welcome Skinny, Id 'like' your post if i could work out how...
There is some pretty good info on yt as always. Jeff Lowenfels and Elaine Ingham are the microbe specialists and Ruth Stout is an old school 'no till' gardener (all comes back to soil web stuff tho really).
Ill be posting some pics in another place...not sure where that's meant to be yet
I couldn't figure out how for the life of me either but I can now. After you finish the first 48 hours your profile opens up a little more and you can like things and what not