Welcome New Members!

Well I've been a member since April 9, 2014 (noticed that when I updated my profile pic) so possibly a world record in terms of years trolling :) Now it's time to start engaging, laying out a room, building out said room, purchasing useful stuff, and growing some plants. Way way way back in the day (pre LED and Arduino) I was a hobby grower and I now reside in a state where the draconian laws have shifted and I'll be allowed to forgo the dispensary for my own 99% legal crop #w00t (99% because here in the states the Feds are still out of touch). All that to say hello and thanks for the DIY LED stuff :)

Currently my favorite grow diary is @zypheruk https://www.rollitup.org/t/welcome-to-the-white-house-rolling-diary-2019.984196/
Hello everybody, I like learning things, growing things, and making things.
I hope you have a nice day wherever you are and if it's night time when you read this and today was kind of stink then I hope tomorrow is better for you. I've been feeling really stink lately but am feeling a lot better right now thanks.
This is my first time on a forum of any kind so I will probably take a while to learn what all those icons mean above this stuff that I'm writing right now.
Also I'm really awkward and have no social life so if I come off a little weird then that's part of the reason. I like people but usually from a distance.
I've added a few pics from previous grows, currently I'm just running my personal closet grow with some home made LED's. I don't grow for profit, just personal use, and to help who I can. This great plant we all love so much is still illegal where I live but hopefully this will change soon.


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If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination
What stage of the plant are you at, how big is the marijuana plant. It is best to let it go dry and then water, not every day this will increase the root size as the roots will go searching and eventually get bigger. To make it easier you can collect rain water in a bucked. Work around your weather if it rains one day dont water if you have a dry spell go up there every couple of days and feed them.
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination

Hi Avinash, just be patient, it usually takes around 24 hours just for the taproot to come out of the shell, but could also take 2 or 3 days, then it could take another 1 or 2 days for the plant to make it out of the soil, depending on things like soil temperature, and vigour of that strain (or just that seed in particular, sometimes you can get runts, especially with autos). 20C/68F soil temp is okay but could be a few degrees warmer, you don't really want to go much colder if you can help it. The seed will germinate in much colder media but everything goes in slow motion the lower the temperatures are with this and many other plants. Basically the most important things for a seed are constant moisture, fresh air and warm temperatures, then when it breaks ground it would appreciate some higher than normal humidity, like a plastic dome, e.g. half a soda bottle with some ventilation holes, or a plastic bag, but if you use a bottle, don't use coloured ones, dark ones will block light and raise temperatures, and green ones will only let green light through them which is basically useless to a plant by itself, and if you do use a dome, take it off in the cooler parts of the day to introduce the plant to wind stress and allow air to circulate. You never really want to leave a dome on any plant for more than 24 hours uninterrupted. (unless it has plenty of ventilation)
The way you germinated is fine but a lot of people these days like to first pre-soak the seeds in normal room temp. water for around 12 hours, (you can do less but don't go much more than that) then germinate their seeds between a few layers of moist paper towel, either placed in a bag or some kind of container to keep in the moisture, then put in a warm place like a hot water cupboard or anywhere that stays a relatively warm, dark and a constant temperature. This way you can keep an eye on them and help them out if they don't pop in the first day or so. When you put them directly in the soil you don't really know what's going on until either it breaks ground or you lose patience and go digging for it (try not to do this, but if you must, be very careful, and if you see white root, cover it back over and don't mess with it again). The benefit of planting them directly into soil is that there is absolutely no chance of transplant shock if they do pop (unless someone digs for them because they got impatient). When planted directly into your media, as soon as the root emerges it just starts going down and doesn't stop, I feel this does have a slight advantage over any seed that germinated in paper towels then got moved into media, no matter how gentle the process is.
Sounds like you heard autos should never be transplanted which is good advice as far as I know. Personally though I do start all seeds in paper towels unless I'm 100% sure they're going to germinate with no issues, which is pretty much never. I have only grown a few autos though so there are probably plenty of people on here who can tell you more about growing autos than I can. With your soil mix you probably won't have to feed it much either depending on how 'hot' your compost soil is, auto's tend to eat less than photo plants. There's even a chance that your mix will be too 'hot' for your plants unless you made sure to leave a lot of the compost soil in the bottom of the pots for the plants to reach when they're a bit more mature.

Yeah so after all that I'd say just leave them be for another few days and make sure the top of the soil doesn't get dry or cold. You can even throw a dome over them before they break ground, maybe it will help keep that piece of soil a more constant temp. and moisture level, and in my mind it would kind of "encourage" them ("I'll put this dome here because I know the plant is on it's way"). The power of positive thinking is very real in my opinion, and what harm is it to be optimistic?
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I have been keeping pots outdoors in day and indoors at night when I keep outdoors it will get dry very fast so I have keep watering. Does watering frequently affects germination???
No, as long as the seed itself doesn't dry out while it's germinating it will be fine, but if you put a dome over the area where the seed is, that part of the soil will stay moist for longer. make sure to stake it down if it's windy though. What are the temperatures like where you are? Obviously quite warm if you need to water if so often..
Yeah INDIA that too south India it's very hot in days and freaking cold in nights.
I have already digged and checked today before you replied and there were small white taproots so I closed seed carefully and watered them and I have put plastic bottle dome as your suggestion with ventilation and I am keeping the pots inside under LED lights till it sprouts
Perfect. You sound like you have a good amount of common sense and also have the very common problem of being too eager and hovering over your plants thinking of any little thing you can do to make things better for them, I was the same. It's better than being a neglectful parent, which I have also been unfortunately. Good luck with your grow, you're going to start a journal right?
Yes do it, but be prepared for every Tom Dick and Harry to have their say on how you should do things lol, I see I've already told you a bunch of stuff that conflicts with things these more experienced guys say so maybe you should listen to them instead of me. I don't wanna be stepping on anyone's toes I only got here yesterday... Whatever you do, make sure you'll still be content with your decision if it fails, don't let people pressure you or take away your joy of learning. Personal growing is meant to be enjoyable and therapeutic, not a chore.
I live in Oklahoma and I recently started growing 2 autos amnesia haze and white widow. I will be doing a DWC using 2 -5 gallon buckets and will be using Gh flora series for nutes. After germination of the seeds 2days the tap root was long and poking out of rapid rooter. They were placed in 6inch net pots. I have 600w led and 3x3x6 grow tent. Looking forward to being part of this site!
Guys does CBD oil kill the pain in knee. My mom is suffering from Knee pain from 10+ years so I decided to give her CBD oil which they sell in Amazon... What's your opinion guys
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I think you should experiment @Avinash -- everyone is different and so is their pain. Oil might work well for one, tinctures and capsules might work better for another. Many choices. Many swear by their CBD salve. There are several good threads over in the Medicating forum like

Older people and arthritis pain - CBD or some medicinal MMJ?

Tinnitus, Migraines, and other pain

Good luck!