Welcome New Members!

If you do goto Hydro make sure water temp isn't to high... seen a few for and mould situations.. I'll be doing doing mate.. Don't want to over complicate things as it' 1st time playing the game goes well lol I'll follow you to keep an update on things @MCO420
Thanks!!! Does it matter the age of the plant? I was thinking about keeping the best one of the three as a mother and just keeping it in constant veg so I can do clones from it. So it would be older when I "converted" it to hydro.
I don’t Believe it will you may want to research different methods but it should just start developing the different root structure over the period maybe cut the roots back after rinsing all the dirt out of them so your not immersing a giant root system that won’t work in hydro. The plant should handle that alright I had one in hydro the air bubbler tanked on it and got root rot I cut the roots back to maybe 4 inches of roots left on the plant hit with frequent water changes and hydroguard and that girl recovered nicely. That plant was about three months old, not that that is apples to apples but I think if you trim the roots back good and the hydro setup is good give her a try. I just switched from hydro to soil to free up some electricity (doing my last hydro flower now). Just remember to get as much if not all that dirt out of there because it will clog up your pumps and stuff if you don’t. That’s my two cents hope it helps happy growing and good luck. I was reading your posts a little and I think hydro is easier to an extent because if you jack up your nutes or ph you just drain and restart keep in mind though and I’m no expert but I have learned the hard way hydro can come with challenges too mainly you need to keep that water oxygenated and cool start getting that res temp over 70 for long periods and you will have issues with root rot and it comes pretty quick so I can give you some examples of mistakes I’ve made and how I have learned if you like, there’s a lot of masters out there you can source too ( I did and it helps). I enjoyed hydro plants grow like wildfire if you do it right hard to keep a mother plant in hydro because they grow so damn fast like unbelievable fast.
Thanks man! Like I said- I won't be switching for a while... at least til after this run of 3 soil. It's my first grow so I'm a little nervous. I lucked out and scored some seeds from my mom's friend - no clue what they are - honestly even if they are going to be fem or not - that's why I took some clones and will force them into flower to sex them... They germinated 2/20 and I had them under basic plant lights for a while- they were doing AWESOME... I think they had a little shock going into the grow cabinet because they were switched from shit light to tons of light... but I keep hoping it all will end well... debating how long to hold it in veg. My clones are just now starting to get roots... so I will change their lighting cycle after they are a little more established.... keep your fingers crossed that all 3 plants are ladies and I don't have to go kill all 3 of them!
They usually recover man tough plants hopefully they are all ladies bro!
What stage of the plant are you at, how big is the marijuana plant. It is best to let it go dry and then water, not every day this will increase the root size as the roots will go searching and eventually get bigger. To make it easier you can collect rain water in a bucked. Work around your weather if it rains one day dont water if you have a dry spell go up there every couple of days and feed them.
Put something around it so no wild animal (like deer) will eat it,and let it grow grow grow!!!good luck to you!!!
Yo, MCO420 I'm with you all the way bro. Will definitely put this on my to do list before the day is over. I will also have my girlfriend do it. I'm preoccupied by my 20 month old son throughout the day, but I will make time. Appreciate the info man. Much love and Smoke.
I just wanted to post real quick for those members who are in the USA - in case you did not know I got this in an email from NORML this morning: "the United Nations World Health Organization is due to review the current international classification of marijuana, THC, cannabidiol, and other related compounds and preparations this year. In the lead up, the WHO is asking member nations submit feedback, of which no nation is more influential than the United States.

Between now and April 23rd, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is seeking public comment from "interested persons" regarding the Schedule 1 status of marijuana under international agreements."

I HIGHLY (pun intended) encourage everyone to join/follow NORML organization if you're not already doing so- and send in your support of the their efforts to change cannabis from a Schedule 1 narcotic. They make it extremely easy to send the letters to your representative- just click - read - agree- and boom! It is important that we show our support - remember democracy isn't a spectator sport. If you go to NORML.ORG it is the first section on their page right now.
Will definitely do that
Hey now figured I would introduce my self here. From Maine, been growing for 20 years. Strictly soil grows. Never ran a hydro set up. Inside and outside.
Running Royal Dutch Cheese and just cracked open a bunch of seeds cheesequake, chernobyl , Humboldt kush, Vortex. Clones, Sugar black rose,Dosi Doh, Vanilla kush.
Hey all, im the new kid on the block here - so far. 20 years experience; now thats impressive. :clap: this will be my first year with a small outdoors grow -- figuring on 2 dozen W Widow , half dozen Lemon Haze and half dozen Diesel. I live in Nova Scotia Canada waaaaaaay back in the country --- we still have a foot of snow in the woods and its drivin me nuts not being able to start digging holes.
I grew 3 w widows last summer as an experiment and they turned out great so im really anxious to get going.
I'll be bugging all yall for advice along the way and look forward to a new adventure going up in smoke:cool:
Newd member here. I look forward to bumping into old friends from overgrow thru dank den. So, high y'all!

Legalize it. That's all I got to say about that.

Wish I could say the same Novabudd. I don't even want to get started ranting about the politics of pot, or any of the thousands of b.s. non-sensical drug prohabition policies that destroy the lives of families all over this planet.

Follow the money, and irradicate the war-mongers lining their pockets with it. I truely hope and pray anyone that thinks allowing pot to be "regulated" by any of these political thieves will consider what companies like Mondesto are doing to seed crops world wide and do a VERY fast 180° on their support of any and all government or corporate interference or profiteering.

Overgrow the government.
Wish I could say the same Novabudd. I don't even want to get started ranting about the politics of pot, or any of the thousands of b.s. non-sensical drug prohabition policies that destroy the lives of families all over this planet.

Follow the money, and irradicate the war-mongers lining their pockets with it. I truely hope and pray anyone that thinks allowing pot to be "regulated" by any of these political thieves will consider what companies like Mondesto are doing to seed crops world wide and do a VERY fast 180° on their support of any and all government or corporate interference or profiteering.

Overgrow the government.

Right on bro . You can be gawddamn guaranteed the govt will screw the little guy to get his coin.
Right on bro . You can be gawddamn guaranteed the govt will screw the little guy to get his coin.

Hence the motto I have been trying to get to take hold in our entire global society of "working class."

It's a good motto because it says it all, and has very few words. Both of these elements are critical to a good motto or slogan, like Coca~Cola, for example. "You got the right one, baby," or the ad campaign that was big in the states, "red white and you."

Well, I have the working-class global super-motto. You ready for It? Here it comes. Ready?

"Let's get 'em."

That's it. It can be added to, but never taken away from. Fact. How about, "Let's get them phruckin' dirty crooks!" The response still comes back with the basic, Let's get 'em, even if an affirmative is placed ahead of it, such as, "YEAH! LET'S GET 'EM!" It's still the root motto.

As can be clearly seen in the above, the "YEAH" portion of the response is just a confirmation that there is a basic agreement on the premise that, "'em," should in fact, "be gotten." "Phruckin' dirty crooks" is just one of many potential qualifiers for "'em" to be, "'em," and not the "us" inferred by, "Let's."

Us and them, and after all we're only ordinary men. Right? If you find it in the lyrics of any song by Pink Floyd, it stands to reason it is probably true. Ordinary men are extraordinary by definition, however, because we have had to do so much, with so little, for so long . . .

. . . many of us can now do anything with absolutely nothing, including get 'em.

I am a Soulscaper, and I'm not sure if I support this message or not, but I do wonder if the United States Drug Enforcement Agency is ever going to give back the servers that hosted the Overgrow forums website (THERE URL MONSTER, HAPPY? lol) on Canadian soil, and give Mark Emery and his family back the time he spent in a federal prison, though he'd never even visited the United States of Ummm-moron-ca, eh? The world may never know . . .

I miss OG and the many many people I had the privalages of chatting with there. Nothing has really been equal since. Sure there have been some good developments since then, but our community is still fractured ever since that action that violated every soverenty of yet another country that is NOT the US.

Come on Novabudd. Let's get 'em.
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Yo Novabud. I'm from maine so you are straight north of me. You must have to run some short season strains. The Sugar Black Rose cut I have finishes in the beginning of sept. And Humboldt Kush can be a good early strain too. What are you looking into for varieties?
Novabud, checked you're earlier post and saw you are running w widow, Dies, and lemon haze. What soil are you going to run? In pots or in ground? I have been running 100 gal pots, (I know kinda small compared to some of the west coast grows). Last year I rented an excavator and dug some holes. Estimated 250 to 350 gallons, some holes were bigger. And still did some in 100 gal pots. I used three different soil recipes to see how they compared. 1st soil recipe the calacimus coot (no animal sourced ingredients, no till), it was the first time I used this recipe. 2nd recipe was the subcool super soil(animal, plant, mineral sourced ingredients). And third recipe just straight up 2 year old composted manure. Honestly they all did the same. Although the calacimus recipe is supposed to get "sweeter" over time I will still have to reamend it. Every plant did a p plus. Unfortunately my well went dry at the end of summer and I could only give plants a gallon or two a day. I think my yield would have been higher if I had more water to give. Ended up hauling water in 275 gal tote in back of truck.
AND yes I think the govt is totally fuckin the public. Heard on the joe rogan podcast that jeff sessions has stock in privatized prison for his retirement. Hmm so no wonder he wants to fight against legalization. Total fuck show.
Yo Novabud. I'm from maine so you are straight north of me. You must have to run some short season strains. The Sugar Black Rose cut I have finishes in the beginning of sept. And Humboldt Kush can be a good early strain too. What are you looking into for varieties?

Hey bro, last year i tried( as an experiment) growing 2 white widow and 1 candy cane. Both did really well in spite of my complete lack of knowledge. I didnt have a clue. None. I was especially impressed with the widows, good size buds and really frosty. I planted first week of may and harvested 2nd week of october. A good bud along the Minas shore is a serious grower and has no trouble growing many different strains. Last year he had a few really impressive Diesels but he said the smell was so strong he was always worried about snoops.
I have a tremendous amount to learn but i'll give er a good go. Im planning on couple dozen widows and few other strains this year.
BTW i ben to Maine couple times years ago playing music. Your country side is a lot like ours and people were great.