I want to apoligize ahead of time, sorry folks it just happened this way, I do not mean to be mean to any of you. Let me explain. I visit a few forums. You will not find a site that tries to help new growers as much as we do here at rollitup. When I joined there were not 10,000 members, now there are more than that. A couple of months ago some of us seemed to notice a problem. We have a welcome thread, folks are supposed to introduce themselves there, and they were doing so. The problem was no one was acknowledging that they had done so. So you kinda came in and did what you thought was right, and no one said anything, Right?? Caligrown and ace seemed to notice this about the same time I did, I have never talked with them about it, only mentioned it to one other person. I saw it as a problem anyway, and decided I would try to do something about it, so I permalinked it. If someone posts in this thread I get notified. And I read them on a daily basis and have committed to giving each one a response.
Please understand I am not saying I am qualified to answer any question you may have, I do have a pretty good feel for who in this forum will be able to give you a correct answer to your question. Every time you post in a thread it comes up as a Today's Post when I log in, you do not have to start a new thread, and doing so is couterproductive for you and me both, its a lose-lose. Instead of reading what your setup might be, and then another thread for what you did and another one for what your plants did, put it in one thread, title your responses and post them all together.please.
SOme of the more experienced growers have lifes, families and jobs too, our time is limited just like yours is, and while it may seem frustrating to wait for 24 hours before demanding an answer, I promise you you will get a better answer. Its ok to check and see if someone has responded in 10 minutes, please do not start another thread.
Well...that is interesting pri**, I mean Vic, what is your point.
grass399im starting my 1st plant this week. its purple haze and pineapple haze! i need to know the right amount of water and soil ect. i also need to know if the plant will still grow in 90% humid 96 degress F florida summer
and does pineapple really raise the THC?
any secrets or advice please send.
grass399im starting my 1st marijuana plant. but i have some concerns. i live in florida, right now its spring so no worrys 70-80 degrees. however summer is around the corner 90-96 degrees 90% humidity. wen summer comes any suggestions on wut to do or do u think it will be fine. im also trying putting pineapple with the seed when i grow it, will this raise the thc?
Hey grass welcome to the forum. You will want to do some research. No a Marijuana plant will not do well at 90 degreees with 90% humidity, sure its not like that all day everyday. It will survive, probably, and grow whenits cooler and it can prespire. FAQ upper left hand corner of this page.

hey matt here i got 3 seedlings growing and they seem to be doing fine....i have a incandesent light bulb in a metal reflector...it seems kinda hot but im keeping them about a foot away.....the box sais it gives out 2800 lumens that should be enough for seedlings right
Saudiarabia668how far is the light and what kind are you using???
Hey Saudi, welcome. No, you can't grow a Mrijuana plant with anincandesecnt light. I know, you are doing it now, right? No, what is happening is the nutrition stored in the seed is growing the plant and when its gone....you will want to check out lighting before giving advice.
mnoelI have a question about my babies they only have two sets of leaves, the little oval ones and then the next set is the first actual leaves, however on a few of my plants the leaves are pointing strait up like they are praying or something is there a reason for this or is this normal this is my first grow and it kinda makes me wonder what i am doing wrong. Please any help would be great.
Ive enclosed a pic but my camaras resolution is not the best. Sorry...
mnoelLeaves pointing up
I am using 2 60 watt cfls just about 4 to 6 inches about the plants cause i have them in a nursery dome to keep moisture and humidity in with them until they get a little taller.
After monday i will have more lights for them and a better box.
Mnoel, I understand your frustration, signed in last year, and we ignored you, thats rude and I apoloigize. I hope it doesn't happen again. Please relax, those plants are fine, in a few hours you will see. They will open up and the lights a ok for a couple of days. You might want to take a look at my journal, there is a link in my signature. It starts from day one, covers transplanting, final transplant, and has a hidden story of a HempStar/TexadaTimeWarp (HempWarp) grow in it. Those seeds came up on the 17th I think and I just put them in their final size pots today, haven't even posted that yet, I will though. And I will link to your journal, if you will keep it all together in one place??
My point is, you will get better answers if you help make it easier for an old man that still uses hunt and peck typing method to do so. Ok I'm back off the soupbox, welcome all. VV