Welcome New Members!


Active Member
How can I tell what my plant wants? Like, if the leaves turn a little yellow, they need something but what? If she starts drooping, what does she need? Is that just something I'll have to ask when/if it happens?

kevin murphy

New Member
yea mate and take pics there is a great thread called marijuana plant problems if you have anything like that have a read of that and then if u still unsure post some pics and ask..make a thread with your grow and post pics..hit me up when u done it mate ill try help ya along the way..


Active Member
lol..got one in my tent now from clone lol..
I'm jelly bro. I'm using bagseed from schwag and just below mids. D: I'm broke. Without going into details that can narrow down who I am, I got hurt in the service and well, I'd have a card if I lived in the right state. So, yeah, super jelly.


Active Member
for the same sort of price check these and u get 5 free heres the link ive grown them and like em..

Those are nice too. I was thinking about using colloidal silver once I find a good one that I really like, you know as a staple. What are your experiences with CS, if any?

For feminization of seeds, a lot of people talk about cloning but I only have one grow room and the clones need to vegg and the others would be flowering.


Active Member
you can put clones straite into flower once there rooted mate and as for silver never tried it but will be doin in the future..
That you're going to have to explain. A clone is a cutting from a plant that is about to flower, right? Well the plant is tiny as hell at that point, how could it support any flowering ?

Oh and we can talk here in my thread https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/455643-new-growing-advice-please-thank.html to keep this place less cluttered.


Well-Known Member
Hippi, WELCOME ! && Don't worry man! Wait until about week 5-6 and the best way to get a little wiff is to rub a little of them Sexy Trichs on your finger then smell. :) I would love to see your girls.


New CFL grower here. Have 1 plant in a pc box grow op with 2 CFLs although im not sure what size. The plant is about 1 and 1/2 weeks old I will try to post pictures asap. Any
Input would help. Thanks


Its a mix a friend made up for me I believe it is Miracle Grow soil. Not sure what kind of nutes were added to the soil since im new at this and all but he told me he has had several good turn outs with this compost so I thought I would try it out. This is just bagseed from some schwag by the way. Just a little experiment of mine, nothing big. Not expecting much of a yield either but I am perfectly fine with that considering this is my first try with a limited amount of money invested as possible. And as far as t he yellowing around the tips, it was worse then that a couple of days ago but now its starting to slowly go away and the new leaves it is producing look great. My light schedule is 20-4 right now. As far as feeding the plant it is only getting water from the kitchen sink that I let sit out 24 hours in advance. Only nutes it is receiving is the nutes in the soil itself.


Active Member
I too started with miracle grow. It's generally considered poor quality and the ferts in it wreck havoc with a poor seedling. You can still grow just fine, it wont be optimal though.
I could give you more help if you could tell me what kind of wattage your CFLs were and how many you had. You need to keep them ultra close to the plant, like an inch away.

Chlorine likes to burn the leaves like that, try leaving the water out a little bit longer or getting some PH neutralizing drops (Fish tank stuff) and it'll be fine. Careful not to add too much water because the water activates the neuts in the miracle grow and they don't -really- need neuts til they start to vegg.


Well I have 2 CFLs I could maybe find out what wattage they are in the next few days or so I dont want to take the chance of disturbing the plant this early in the starting stage. But I do keep them close and my grow area is really small and I have the inside lined with reflecting material to optimize lighting. Maybe ill try leaving the water out a little bit longer maybe an extra day or 2. Im not really trying to get too advanced with this one since its my first grow and all. Just trying to get down the basics. But I do still appreciate any feedback.