Welcome New Members!


I've been a lifelong smoker and a casual hit or miss grower for a couple years, basically throw seeds from the bag in some dirt and see what happens. I'm ready to grow some of that good stuff and I'm ready to buy equipment, I just want to run the list by you all and see if I'm on the right track.
2x 6500k 400w equal (105w actual)cfl's for grow
2x 2700k 400w equal (105w actual)cfl's for flowers
6 site 10 gallon drip/bubbleponic setups from ebay with nutrients,hydroton, rockwool cubes and grow guide
ICE seeds from http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/ice.html
and a dream of smoking something other than regs
I know there is more to it than that, but I figured it would be best if i close my eyes and do it before i blow my little bit of doe on bs. I feel that with the tools and knowledge from you guys I can make my dream come true. Please feel free to throw in your 2 cents whenever, it would be really appreciated, especially since it really isn't a topic to bring up with the neighbors. This is my first post anywhere ever, so if I'm doing it wrong or talking too much please let me know.
p.s. my whole setup would cost 233.76-250.00, that really is my max, thanks, and my profile pic is of one of those hit or miss grows i was talking about, it went totally unattended until harvest, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
ok this is my real question i am a newbee and im alex btw but im stoned out of my mind and wondering why people have ranks why am i on a destingushed road and how long am i gonna be a stranger that worries me and why can some people roll joints is ther a hypothetical 8th of weed going around and you have stripped me of my ability to roll a joint...... can some on throw me a friggin pipe here!!!!!!!!!!!! ill spark you up to my hypothetical 8th we can figure this thing out togeather


A! All,

I'm a newbie 1st time grower and i'm trying my hand with the early girl strain ;0) .

I'm growing in soil in home made grow box with a 45watt cfl I've just put it on 12/12 and shes a girl :weed: i'm using all purpose miricle gro every 2weeks ! should I add any other boost as shes blossaming !! It say's on the box it also helps blossams vegs ect tho so I'm not sure what to do ?

P.s can I add my cfl 45watt veg light as a side light with my 45watt cfl flowering light?


Well-Known Member
Hi All - i have grown marijuana for 20 years - about 10 years only outdoor - another 10 indoor. I am a big sativa fan and only grow sativa plants. I love vaporizing in my new volcano, but the old bong is still pretty near since i need the toxins every now and then ;O)) I have my own website about growing marijuana and love to work on that site too (i make websites and search engine optimization). Thanks for a GREAT forum guys!


hey every1, i have been growin weed for about 5 years now, nothing too outragous, usually a couple plants a year and hope they survive. This year, ive got 3 going, one is about 5 feet tall and very, very bushy. It has started to flower this week with the beginning hairs growing. Now, it is very leafy and i am conflicted on what to do, i think trimming it back a little bit will help the plant focus on flowering but also the whole idea of more leaves = more energy created, and therefore a healthier plant. Can anyone help a new poster out? and thanks for this great forum, its very usefull


Okay, so I'm new, but I prefer baby grower to newb. I had a friend that got me some startup lights (High sodium with rail in room 10 x 10), and some nutrients, and he was going to give me expert advice but he moved out of state suddenly and I am left on my own to try to salvage what I have already. First question is, how do I get rid of spider mites? Second, my plants are in one gallon tubs, 2-3 feet high, in flowering stage. He said I need to replant them before he left. Is this a good idea? And how big of a pot do I need for them? Then, there is the bat guano tea stuff he told me to make. Is it too late since they are flowering? Do I really need this weird tea?
So, that's it for now. I WILL have lots more questions. And before anyone hates on me, remember, I'm just an old lady trying to grow her meds instead of letting the docs kill me with theirs.


hi all new to forum
i have never grown but thought about doing some autoflower strain in a dwc hydro setup just wondering if auto strands would even grow hydro and if they would will they yield more than in soil like what i have read about regular seeds


PD Kim also added that they would be looking to recruit members whose schedules won’t be in too much of a conflict with the filming of Invincible Youth.


Hello to all out there... First time grower got hooked this year when a friend gave me some bag seeds so i tried and 2 out of 4 sprouted awesome right well 1 went male so disposed of it, it was like 4ft when the other was between 2 1/2 to 3ft. Anyways long story short im within weeks of finishing so i'll looking at poosibly aero NFT but that'll depend on funds.
Ps had a little accident by ripping off a LOWer branch, dried it tried it and pretty damn good.

oh i just got a soul as to where my funds are going but the wife is happy


Starting off with 2 cardboard boxes from Uhaul. Shorty Wardrobe for vegging and Grand Wardrobe for flowering. Lined inside with mylar and using CFL's with brightwing reflectors. Using inline pc fans for vent and negative ion generators for odor. No temp control or CO2 generators as of yet. So far, only growing a plant from bagseed in sunlight whle the rest of my supplies get in. Hopefully, it all goes well. This is my first post since I found the forums. Great community!
whats good dank heads! just started with 42 bubbleberry as my first project, just started flowering so here we go!! hope you experienced yoda's will train!!! halllllaaaah


sup everyone ^_^

well i just decided on giving growing a second chance :P
(first time was when i was living @ my moms XD she found it and cut it of{it was outdoors})

but yea anyways im 24 hours after seeds craked,and i already got some sprouts
this time im going to try indoors cuzz well im living in a apartment

i got a basic indoors setup in my closet ,wating to get upgraded once i get some cash
but i should be fine for now

sooo.. yea hii to all and ill post some picks soon and keep yall updated :)


New Member
Hey everyone!
I'm Amy, 21 years young and I live in scotland. I care for my disabled boyfriend Lindsay fulltime and have done for just over 5 years now.
I love TV, gaming, getting off my trolley, music, fashion....you know the rest!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone :)


Here goes first forum/blog plus first grow. Well first harvest soon..... kinda winging it so far. Good strain groin good.
M@ the R@ is here