Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Hello All, I'm pretty much new to growing and I'm here to learn what I can from the plethora of experienced growers on this forum.


I'm trying to grow 3 plants indoors in soil. I was wrongly told to force flower them after 4 weeks when they were still small about 8ins. They are now 4 weeks into flower and only about 16ins tall with some small buds. The lower leaves are turning yellow and dying. I suspect I was over feeding them with miracle grow fruit and veg food. I was adding 1/2 tsp to 1ltr of water every 3rd day per plant. Has anyone any advice on how I could turn things round cos at the mo it seems i'm just wasting elec on them. Thanks.
Hey im chip and am new to the site. Ive been looking for a good site to communicate with other people who love this hobby as much as i do. My first question is about BCnorthernlights boxes! these things seem so great and this is coming from someone who has built his own many of times..but this seems like a great investment


I am getting ready to order seeds for the first time. I will be growing the plants inside, so is this a factor I should take into consideration when choosing the seeds?


I'm trying to grow 3 plants indoors in soil. I was wrongly told to force flower them after 4 weeks when they were still small about 8ins. They are now 4 weeks into flower and only about 16ins tall with some small buds. The lower leaves are turning yellow and dying. I suspect I was over feeding them with miracle grow fruit and veg food. I was adding 1/2 tsp to 1ltr of water every 3rd day per plant. Has anyone any advice on how I could turn things round cos at the mo it seems i'm just wasting elec on them. Thanks.
any ideas anyone?


Well-Known Member
tymtpunk here.

just started germinating my seeds today. gonna do a cfl lst grow either in basement (kinda cold) or in a pc case (space limiting). been trolling here for a while, thought i would register now i might be using some of the info here.
None made it :-(. Oh well, I guess I will wait for my green card and do it legit. Hope y'all don't mind me trolling about and learning.
Hey guys.It's a great relief for me to find a site that has alot of discussions and knowledge on growing.As a person who has never grown before,I hope to learn as much from this site as possible.Thanks fellas!


High guys. Namers jeremy. People call me jermz. Im new to the whole growing deal, have grown a few. They always look amazing, but I think Im not curing it properly. I know about the clear hair deal n all, but its the curing that stumps me. How long to dry? How long between periods where I should air it out? Or is all this just learned over time? I ask a lot yes, But im sorta high, gotta write it all when its in the frontal lobe if you catch my drift. :p

By the by, nice to meet you all. :) Jermz...


hi i have a 8 pot wilma system and using canna cocco, got it set to drip for 15 mins in every hour but dont seem to be getting a very good yield (buds not that big), when i used soil on my last grow and had the dripper dripping constantey i had a great yeild. has any one got any idea where iam going wrong iam i watering it to much please help:cuss:


Sup everyone. New to the block. Just set up my grow room. I have 9 seeds that i germinated. I transplanted them in a gen hyro farm system. 3 seeds to a bucket.I have no idea what seeds i have going... I just love to gamble. I am two weeks in and the little guys look good. This site is great i have found so many good tricks.



Hello. I thought I would be considerate and introduce myself. Or re-introduce myself as the case may be. I over time forgot my acct info and had to reregister. It happens! Anyway, i hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.

Well, thats all I got:neutral: I'm much better in person than on paper or message board.



Hey man, dig the site. Been doing some research on lites, decided to go cfl's. Room is small, 3'x3'x6' tall. I made my own lite hood out of a peice of metal roofing, 14" W x 30" L. Then mounted 4 metal boxes w/ porcelain fixtures, in a cross pattern. I know that I can get
200 watters for veg. growth, but the only flowering bulbs Ive come across are
150's. Less wattage means less lumens correct? Will this stress my plants?(northern lites-fems). Also, do you think
4-200 watters in my config. is a good idea?


Active Member
Hey all,
I'm Mike and I joined the site over a year ago, but I just now got an aerogarden elite and we'll see how it goes!