blueberry kid
Well-Known Member
just keep it up u should do goodhey i got a bunch off seeds in a bag i purchased a while ago from a friend.The bud was not the best bud in the world but it did have alot of orange hairs and was pretty dank and green.(schwag) How ever, germanated them from seed about a month ago and put aboutcool: seeds per dixie cups(2).I now realize i shouldnt have put so many per cup, but since its my first time trial and error will result in better plants next time =).Any ways they all look very very healthy and very green but they dont neceserilly grow alot in height.They seem to just stay short and stumpy but grow many node spots and leafs.I am not sure if its because of genetics or what but they were about 3" 1/2 until i recently transplanted them into a 3 gallon pot.Ever since the transplant they have been looking even better as time goes on, but i am wondering if i just let them grow for a few more months and see how big they can get then do 12/12 and let them start flowering? Im not really sure but can anyone tell me if my plants are stunted? or if they will eventually pull through and have a growth spurt.Also starting yesterday i have been leaving my plants in 100% direct sunlight out side from 11:00Am-7:00Pm.(8 hours) then i give them some time to relax until 11:00(4 hours) then i bring them inside my house for the night 11:00pm-11:00 am(12 hours)
the next morning when i wake up.A total of 20 hours of light and 4 darkness.Will this confuse it and screw up the plant? Please contact me on AIM (if possible for easier communication) or email me at [email protected] . YOUR HELP IS GREATLY APPRICIATED!