Weird yellow/red/brown dots? Help Please & Thank You!

ok so ive started to notice these dots on my fan leaves of some of the main colas of my Kryptonite plant. its 33 days into flowering and the problem is only directly below the 400w HPS bulb. im thinking it might be too much light causing this? or maybe a fungus/root problem. the rest of the plant shows no signs of this problem. also my Kush plants that is right next to the Kryptonite shows no signs of this problem anywhere.

ok so to highlight the issue...

problem is directly under the bulb.
light is 12in away in a cooltube.
temps never get above 85 under the light and never above 55% humidity.
using foxfarms full schedule at half strength.
35 days into flowering.
only seems to be happening on fan leaves without trichomes.
not on any other part of the plant or other plants in the grow area.2010-09-03_22-59-38_657.jpg2010-09-04_12-51-50_70.jpg2010-09-04_12-53-19_624.jpg2010-09-03_23-00-14_674.jpg


Active Member
Maybe some spidermites. And there is something else with the nutrients because I notice the brown tips and the leaf curl. I am a noob so thats all I can help with. Hope someone with more expierence can help you.
picture 1 definitely looks like spider mites! also looks like a minor magnesium deficiency.

look under the leaves and if you see tiny black/white dots say hello you your worst enemy! You may need a microscope to see the but for me I can see them with my naked eye.

gently rub/kill them off with your hands there easy to kill that way. youll have to constantly do it to keep the population down because they reproduce like crazy. Or buy lady bugs of e bay or on line somewhere they will fuck those mites up! I wouldn't spray anything on them that late in flowering. I have used hot shots no pest strips 2 in my room late in flower and they helped for a month or so but some people say they are bad for your plants... mine smoked GREAT

Spider miters wont go on the leaves covered in trichs because they will get caught up and die. Those trichs are the plants #1 defense mechanism Thats why the problem is only on the plain fan leaves. Spider mites dont move from plant to plant to much especially when you have a fan blowing all the time. They will move from plant to plant if they are touching each other like in a sog

I fucking hate spider mites hope this helpes good luck
99% sure its not mites because i do a precautionary spray of my plants at the end of veg and beginning of flowering. it looks a lot like late signs of Ca. any ideas on supplements for Ca?