What is all this crap about neem oil not being able to kill mites? I use it religiously to kill all mites and fungus gnats and it works great.
Right before your lights shut off:
Mix a spray bottle with 1 capful (1 teaspoon) neem oil, 1 teaspoon non-bleach AND non-antibacterial dish soap, few drops of red wine vinegar. Shake well and often while spraying. Spray everything, pots, stems, undersides of leaves soil, EVERYTHING.
Next day: Right before your lights shut off - Spray everything again but using only water
Following day: Right before your lights shut off - Repeat neem treatment above.
After that you will have no mites, or other unwanted bugs. Try it before you listen to these noobs that joined last month with over 500 useless posts quoting shit "they have heard". Trust me, you wont be disappointed.