Weird weed smoking experience


Active Member
So today I buy two 20's and call one of my friends to come smoke them with me. We go out in some marsh land and start smoking out of a bowl.

We finish off a 20 and decide that we want to push it a bit farther and finish off the other. so we take the other 20 and pack it as tight as we possibly can into the bowl (at this point we are high and arent thinking straight enough to realize that this is probably not smart). Any way, we smoke it and walk out of the marsh to meet up with two of our other friends who decided to sit this smoke out.

One of my friends comes up to me and does the thing where they move their hands up and down next to your face and say there is a sandwich at the end and then slap you. Now they have done that to me before and honestly its just a stupid joke but i dont really care and i let him do it.

but this time was different, as he moves his hands up and down all of a sudden the entire world in my vision goes into a spin and his hands stay still. Now this freaks me the fuck out so i push him away and as i re open my eyes everything is crazy looking.

All of the people around me were like cartoon characters and i couldnt remember 2 seconds behind the action i recently took(like being Hammeredx1000).

Any way, my vision fades and i suddenly come to and im sitting in mcCdonalds eating a cookie.

Supposedly we walked 2 miles to the place as i carried out multiple conversations and then continued to order for myself in the restaurant and i have absolutely no recognition of it.

so here is my question....Do you guys think it was laced with something or did i just smoke too much.


Well-Known Member
Hahaahaaa, good story, are you even old enough to be on this site?

The first time I smoked hash, when I was 15, I had a similar experience. But what you're describing is like this time I got some shit with PCP in it, it was noticable on the weed, but nothing else was around, talk about fucked up, I though my buddy was doing a funny dance, and he was just sitting still, PCP is some fucked up shit.

You're probably just too young, and I doubt it was "wet" or laced with anything.

If the same thing happens again you'll know.

Look up pics of bud laced with pcp you'll see like a glitter on it, not like normal trichromes, and no, I don't condone the use of pcp, it's some fucked up shit. You'll see god :bigjoint:


New Member
We can kinda rule out the notion of it being laced... His friends would have been buggin as well... I honestly think this kid just got baked out of his mind [ain'tnuttinwrongwitthat!] and is just exaggerating his story a bit.....


Well-Known Member
We can kinda rule out the notion of it being laced... His friends would have been buggin as well... I honestly think this kid just got baked out of his mind [ain'tnuttinwrongwitthat!] and is just exaggerating his story a bit.....
what you said :)


Active Member
maybe your just a rookie lol...cuz when i first started smokeing seriously about two years ago i had something similar happen to me except i was walking home from my friends house and i saw a fucking leaf running infront of me then it started chasing me and i tripped over it haha it was some crazy shit but i know it was just cuz i smoke to much for it being the second time i had smoked like that....and it really hasnt happened since then.


Well-Known Member
Once I was tripping on acid and I woke up in the zoo, don't know how I got there or how I got in, but sure enough I woke up at daybreak to monkies yelling at me. :bigjoint:


Active Member
haha wow that sounds crazy! lol it sounds like something i would do! but i've never tried that and i dont plan on it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds OK to me. The hand wave thing, cartoon characters, a conversational walk with no recollection and eating munchies at McDonalds. That happened to me a lot when I was younger. Now the only difference is not eating at McDonalds.:-P


Well-Known Member
this kid just got too high. he had sex with multiple male animals and fell asleep in a pool of his own diarrhea. handle your weed next time bro


Well-Known Member
this kid just got too high. he had sex with multiple male animals and fell asleep in a pool of his own diarrhea. handle your weed next time bro

Idk, I don't think it's possible to get "too high"

I.E. Upon leaving Jamaica from vacation I had two fingers of hash left (about 8-10) grams and wasn't going to fly home with them, so I rolled them all into pill form, and ate all of them. I was completely split for the next two days, mostly lethargic and sleepy, but I never did anything I couldn't remember doing.

That only happens with the hard stuff, PCP, LSD, N2O... Alcohol. Weed can't hurt you, I've definately tried.

How cool would you be if you were the first person to overdose and die from marijuana.

Ed Rosenthal answered this question once in a popular publication, and it would take the equilivant of 3 pounds of dank buds to overdose. That'd be around 25 grams of hash oil, and you'd definately pass out and sleep it off before you got past 5 grams.(Of hash oil)


Active Member
Shit dude. Sounds like one helluva toke session. Doubt it was laced but a sure-fire way to test is to lightly tap the bud over your hand or a piece of paper. If nothing comes out but leaf, you're golden.

I think having my aura interact with my friends dogs aura was the craziest experience I have ever had. When two or three bowls are being passed around at once, you know your gonna get high. And that was the day.


Active Member
Well ive been smoking for a little over a year so i guess im a bit of a rookie but I doubt it was laced but it was just a strange night.

as for the comment of "you smoked too much weed" can never smoke too much weed