Weird smell after watering...


Well-Known Member
I've been growing lately (last 6 months) with sunshine mix 4. I use Fox Farm Nutes and exactly to their schedule. Whenever I water or feed I get a smell that resembles methane, and I get dizzy from the smell. Any ideas?

I've never even heard of this before.


Well-Known Member
Along with the smell... I noticed to that compared to my other plants that were started with Fox Farm Ocean Forrest Soil, that the run off water, or water that fills the saucer that the maxipot sits in is amber in color. versus the FF run off is clear (when just watering)


Well-Known Member
if so it only happened to my plants once. I opened my grow room after lights on one morning while they were flowering and WHEW a potent burst of some amonia smell. it scared me. I Opened doors.. Turned fans for a few days and it never came back


Well-Known Member
THATS THE SMELL!! Like exactly.... now the issue is that its been happening every time I water.


Well-Known Member
Hrmm. I was using hydro system. Its not the Soil. its the PLANT i think. Not good enough Air Flow. I think its a buildup of stale air or something around the plant, unable to breath. OR OR OR! its first signs on Mold/Fungus Which is WHAT I THOUGHT. SO I KEPT FAN ON MY BUDS FOR 2-4 days. and it went away


Well-Known Member
Slow down on the watering.. Make sure your plants are not getting moist some how. and keep a fan near them for a few days ESPECIALLY at night. I honestly dont know or ever found out what it was but now I think it was the Plants being unable to breath.. Letting off some Foul Odor and it being Vented no where.


Well-Known Member
Your the 1st person who its happened to other than me so far. =/ Was frightened. Every1 told me it was mold but my plants had none. Maybe they quiefed


Active Member
I've been growing lately (last 6 months) with sunshine mix 4. I use Fox Farm Nutes and exactly to their schedule. Whenever I water or feed I get a smell that resembles methane, and I get dizzy from the smell. Any ideas?

I've never even heard of this before.
I plan to use the same soil mix and nutes for my next grow, so I am following this for future need to know information:leaf::leaf::leaf:

grime mc

every other week i get this really ugly sweaty feet sort of smell, im in soil with organic nuets so i just put it down to that, i have no intake or extraction issues, every thing seams fine,?
Also ive noticed in veg when ever i would use fishmix my house would stink, but not if i used it as a foliar feed,?
If i was getting a chemical smell i would be a bit worried especially if it was making me feel odd.


Well-Known Member
Ok, solved this issue, it was fox farms grow big that went nad in my storage area. its only been sitting there for about a month and who knows how long at the store, but it reaks of amonia/sweaty feet. I just got done flushing all my plants in my tub and the smell is gone now.