18-plant veg room
50 Gal Res
(2) 3x3 trays
(2) 600 watts
Good ventilation, outtake only
Oscilating Fan for good air movement
Nutrients: (Use lowest dosage of each) Gen. Hydro. 3-part, Superthrive, Cannazyme, Zone (gold) Root Conditioner (for bug prevention)
pH: 6
I've had various veg. rooms for the past three years so I've dealt with a full spectrum of problems and I'm stumped. This really appears to be bugs but I've searched literally for hours and can't find any trace of any kind of bugs.
There is a range of issues here. There is some spotting/ streaks that looks like thrips damage but there are no bugs/ eggs to be found. There are some small holes and tearing of leaves which in some cases is causing the tips to fall to the plastic (black and white plastic covering trays). Some of the growth seems to have bubbling which in some cases has turned to small holes.
There is some browning of edges and some yellowing/death of small new lower growth. I believe part of my problem is nut burn so I am going to flush the plants today and take out the superthrive and Zone for a week to see if there is improvement. Growth is steady, these plants are not stunted. Roots seem healthy.
I've sprayed twice with a mixture of Safer and Spinosad at their full concentrations treating as if they had thrips. This solution has obliterated any mites I've had in the past but has had no effect on this issue. Also in case of thrips have added Gnatrol to res. for one weekly change. Also no effect. Overall the plants look very healthy, I only took pics of the problem leaves.
Help Me!