Weird leaf discoloration. Please help!

Its great if you have mildew, im not sure how it could help with a deficiency as peroxide contains no needed elements, please correct me if im wrong
I dont have any fungus or molds. The only problem I have is the leaf discoloration and even then the plant is thriving. It basically tripled in size after the 12/12 switch and the buds sites are starting to fill up with hairs. So I am only partially concerned about this.
Are you running really low ppm? Any of the nutrients at proper dose will fix it, the plant uses everything it has in those first few weeks, about now id be around 1800 ppm, tripled is crazy, thats what happens to me when i use liquid karma the first 2 weeks of flower it stretches alot
I dont actually measure PPM. Dont have the equipment or the money for it. But right now I am feeding them slightly diluted 12-55-8 ferts.
she does look root bound.. 1 gallon = 1 foot, but you want a little more so that you can get the roots working on the buds explosion. You will still yield and finish (though yield will be diminished and finishing time will take for evar!! I know as this has happened to me.)
she does look root bound.. 1 gallon = 1 foot, but you want a little more so that you can get the roots working on the buds explosion. You will still yield and finish (though yield will be diminished and finishing time will take for evar!! I know as this has happened to me.)
Well, she is like 14 inches, 15 at the most. The problem with upgrading to a 2 gallon is that not only do I want to keep stress at this point as low as possible to prevent hermies, but I simply dont have the space for any more growth. My box is only 31 inches tall TOTAL. The actual growth space is even less.
up the nutes. dont spray
Id kick it up a notch, if you feel comfortable doing that, diluting the proper amount will cause a lack of nutrients
I have actually been considering that it could also be lack of K, since it is naturally low on these ferts. Even more so since they are diluted. I will up the dose to full strenght today and post pics at the end of the week. As for the epsom salts, if there are no improvements by the end of the week I am going to assume it wasnt after all the ferts, and I will continue to look for alternatives to this problem. Like I said before, there seem to be no negatives from this other than leaf discoloration since growth is doing fine. I just like my babies to be 100% healthy.
Ofcourse, 100 percent healthy is best. I think youll lose substantially also in yeild using low nutes, most guys i know do the same in fear that they will have issues, some people i know keep it around 300, but they dont do well, and always have issues and then add floraklean and a bunch of other stuff making it worse, most people i know use the water water feed method, i personally dont see why you would want to flush out the nutrients everytime but they are happy so i just let them do it, in years to come, youll be raising and raising the ppm until you see it burn, because its not until then that you know your getting full potential. Also dont repot, unless you somehow grew a million times more roots then plant your good forever in the 1 gallon, i hope it works out for you and il be looking back to see the updated pics, personally i think the 1 gallon 1 foot thing is obserd, never put a 2 foot plant in a 2 gallon pot youll be wasting your room, unless you have a warehouse or something where space is not important
I need to invest in something to measure PPM. Right now I am just using the scoop measurement method xD. Just put in 2 scoops on a gallon of water. That is supposed to be the full dose. Btw, I kinda water them with the nute water every time I water them. I have yet to see a single side of nute burn. Do you think I should do regular waterings in between feedings anyways?
I dont ever put just water, i have it set to 1800 ppm most of the way until the last 2 weeks when its at approx. 2100, if your not getting any burn perhaps you could go over the dose youve been using until you find that your pushing it a bit to hard, ppm meters are great, however they wont tell you what your plant needs just the number, if you have an extra 150 by all means grab one, if not just keep a journal of measurments and then youll know what worked best, id hate to think that your losing on yeild by using a lower rate then you could be, let me know how it goes, im very interested
Will do, man. Today I fed them the full dose. I will be monitoring her closely this week for any signs of nute burn. Since you guys have been so nice, here are some pics of the lady :)
Photo 2013-01-07 06.17.04 PM.jpgPhoto 2013-01-07 06.17.29 PM.jpgPhoto 2013-01-07 06.17.50 PM.jpg
Peroxide addresses alot of issues, it can kill off root eating larvae, it can kill off mold, and it can help dissolve quite a few minerals that can build up in the soil. I have always seen a positive effect from watering with diluted h202 (peroxide) but bear in mind it will kill off most of the bacteria that generate the natural nitrogen cycle in your soil. So if u peroxide flush expect to have to step up the nitrogen feeding.

I don't use epsom salts at all, i do a 1 inch layer of pea gravel (7 bucks for like 50lbs at local hardware store) on the top of my soil. The combination f the pea gravel and my local hard water usually are more than enough cal/mag than I need, epsom salts / calmag burn my plant even in very weak doses. Pea gravel and sand also help prevent bug issues.

If you're going to add epsom salts to the soil i would only create a single hole, about the size of a quarter, and about an inch to 2 inches deep, and fill that. Don't pour over that everytime, but make sure to pour water over it about 1/4 the time when you water, and that should aid in the slow dissolving.

You also need to consider that it's not a lack of the calcium/mag but possible ph lockout preventing the plant from being able to uptake these. In this case adding anymore will mineralize your soil and potentially kill your plant if not addressed.

I have never had the issue your having, all I can do is explain what I do, and maybe it will help you figure out what is going on.
I will also say that the last 3 pictures you posted don't appear to have any problems that I can see..
Well the discoloration is more on the older leaves at the bottom. New leaves dont seem to have this problem.

i would say magnesium. prolly due to a ph issue. check out the link theres some reading involved but will answer just about any question you will ever have

I have a digital PH meter that you stick in the soil. The plants are in darkness right now, but as soon as the lights come on, I will test the PH and see if that's it. I hadnt considered PH being a problem, so we will see soon enough.
do you trim your plant at all? As in cut back unnecessary growth?

I never have this issue and it's probably because by the time a plant needs to canabalize it's own leaves I have already removed the leaves in question.
I have clipped the tips of some of the lowest leaves, but I havnt done it too much. Trying to keep stress down. Should I trim them more?