Weird Leaf Discoloration. Ideas on Culprit?

they package them together for that reason, and that they can charge you for a separate product. with modern chelating methods, they could easily put it all in one container, but then they could only charge you once for it
don't water on a schedule, water when the plants need watering. if they feel like they need watering today, do it, then wait till they dry out good before you water again. over watering isn't necessarily too much water at one time, it can be watering the right amount too a matter of fact, i'd water each time till i got a little run off, to avoid salt build up. then let them dry out till you can stick your finger in all the way and it feels dry. i actually use the weight of my pots, but you have to learn what they feel like very dry first
Right. I was just wondering how I should go about correcting the plant that is sick, before extensive damage occurs? Should I wait till the soil is dry or can it be corrected now?
Ah I understand now. When you said 2tbs I thought you were using powdered nutes. Better using a measuring cylinder and knowing exactly your amounts. It's going to be hard to give exactly half a tbs for example. id be suprised if it's ph, you would usually have the issue with all your plants, but, it might be a finicky strain so check your meter calibration. Above poster was right about checking if the leaves are only damaged where the fan was blowing etc. As for flushing , how big are your pots again and how many lts do you give them?
Pots are 5gal fabric pots. And I give them 2tsp of both Grow Big and Tiger bloom as well as 1tsp of cal mag.
Trouble is, what everyone is saying is correct, you can flush, or correct your problem by elimination, I. E. Ph issue ( thereabouts definitely is not ideal you need a meter if possible an atc one) cal/ mag etc. But in your medium it will be slow to change so by the time you have found out why you have a problem it might be even worse. If your going to flush put three times your pot size of plain phed water through it, then finish with a phed feed , guessing ph might work for some strains but definitely some like it at a certain level and ph stability is key. Unchlorinated water would be ideal if it's possible for flush. get a measuring cylinder also, I can't imagine how using a spoon works, do you fill until the top? How do you know? Does it spill over the side? What I'm saying is you need to know exactly what your doing , at all times, otherwise it'll be hard for folks to help and it's very difficult to help anybody in a forum with problems as you need to know everything as there's that many different causes for the same problem etc. Good luck
Switch to a super soil kind of medium. Research that and how to use it properly. Clue, hot mix needs to be diluted or limited to just the bottom of a container. Stop adding ferts as "feeding" as this is probably your biggest problem, along with the appearance of wind damage. Not sure that's happening, but it does kind of look that way. A super soil removes the guess work.