Weird Fan Leafs.


Active Member
Hey well I saw something today and i've never really seen it before in my life , was wondering if anyone else has came across it.

One of my plants has started to grow 10 leaf fan leafs, also this same plant on the fan leafs where the single blades come out some of them have started to actually grow bud.

Just wondering if anyone ever seen this before, as other than that the plant looks great if anything it's a fat little bitch for 4 weeks into flower.


Active Member
I'm not so sure about pic's but i'll see what I can do.

It could have been 11 , and perhaps the other leaf got damaged and tore off.

Didnt look like that tho . The rest of the plant has 9 leaf fan leafs, just a few who differ, and the extra leaf is growing out weirdly over the top of where the original middle leaf is, like bunk beds in a sense.