weird colored leafs

Hey guys i've attatched a few pics, this plant is 6 weeks into flowering but the pistols have turned brownish orange and the leaves look to be dieing and turning weird colors... no bugs and buds look great, hope someone can help, thanks.IMAG0205.jpgIMAG0206.jpgIMAG0207.jpg


Well-Known Member
As long as the buds look good let it go until it is ready or until you see some of what you are describing getting on the buds. Plants depending on strain and other conditions can do some strange things close to harvest. Sorry but with the pics it is hard for me to see what you are describing. The buds look good so keep up the good fight with your girls.
Welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
your leaves change color like that because the plant is soaking up the nutes the fan leaves before harvest will turn yellow if you are doing everything right typical flowering times are anywhere from 7-12 weeks also if you think it is a defficiency than consult a problem chart