Weird 'claw' type deal going on


Well-Known Member
Sorry i just reread and see that you are in soil flush your pots with 2-3x water so if you are in 1 gallon pot use 2 to 3 gallons of water. The wait for plant to revive to add more nutes. If 1/4 is to much that that plant go to 1/8th strength. also you could try nutes one week and water the next. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
yea u may b doing to much u really should flush that puppy out try using key ferts i tryed using alot of different ferts an i just burned up my lady u need to stic with ur main ferts an go with their recommendation


Well-Known Member
I have this bottle of 'final flush' which I was going to use at the end for harvest, can I also use it now to correct the issue of too much nutes?
Or would flushing be fine?
Flushing just seems messy to me


Well-Known Member
fuck I might as well guestamate also-> loudblunts I po-po on ur answer-haHA!
From what Ive read,according to the law of diminishing returns you could theoretically reach a point when your plants don't absorb any more light.too much light may lead to bleaching, browning and shriveling of leaves at the edges.

that fucking pretty good answer/guess is worth some rep love!


Well-Known Member
I would use just water. dont know of that product though but they sell us so much crap we never need, i've bought my share.


Well-Known Member
Now I'm thinking it might be N deficiency, the plant is quite a bit lighter green now, with most of the oldest leaves turning yellow and dying.
What do you guys think?

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
leaves point down its starting to drown
leaves point up water the pup

remember its a weed, and can survive quit a bit--looks like over watering to me-
how heavy are your pots before you water,
before you water stick your finger in the soil and see if its dry or not.
you can also take a pencil and poke holes in the top of your soil--just a few for aeration of roots(like you would on a lawn).

could have some sort of root thing goin on too.
You could carefully pull one up a little and look at the roots if there white(healthy) or brown(root-rot)
good luck.


Well-Known Member
You should be diluting your nutes in your water than ph the new solution, not seperately!! Also ph the runoff after you water, i am going to suggest it is probably a ph problem because you are having a multitude of problems, but i believe too much nitrogen buildup can start to cause other deficencies. When i flush plants i usually wait a day then start my nute schedule over at 1/8th to 1/4th reccomended dose and work my way up slowly.


Well-Known Member
your clones look fine really dark green - I wouldn't use any fertilizer until the clones
show roots and then very lightly once they commence to growing u can increase the food
usually the bottom leaves on the clones turn yellow and die as the roots develop good growing


Well-Known Member
Yeah the leaves that are dead are the leaves that were on the original cutting of the clones, the rest of the leaves are looking pretty good, not as dark green now that I am flowering, but they look pretty healthy.
Still got the claw going on, but w/e, its only on some leaves.


Well-Known Member
when I water my plants I put water through it till it runs out the bottom and set them back down onto paper towel to soak up the rest of the water and they grow alot more compared to when I warrered them till it was about 1'' from the bottom


Well-Known Member
nice plants check PH of water also I prefer to start seedlings with very weak fert. at first
actually I switched to a fully organic system worm castings bat guano etc. in soiless mix and just use water at all stages simplifies things for me (I use KISS system in all things
KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid ) being a chronic wake and bake toker this suits me fine the actual "claw" on leaves is much more pronounced than what you have that is probably the way that strain grows Good Growing