Weird, but almost awesome lowlife auto mutations +pics


Active Member
ok so I ordered the lowlife seeds auto mix pack from attitude awhile ago, and i have had them vegging for almost 2 weeks now.

i have 2 lower shoots right on the first node that split into 2 nodes on each side. (awesome)

on my 4th node one of the fan leaves split down the middle and grew like a normal leaf but had 2 leaves in place of the middle one.

Lastly, i have had 1 show sex a couple of days ago and it happened to be a male? Thought these were feminized....

i have these under a 400w agromax hps and a ton of cfls. using promix with bio bizz organic fertilizer.

they definitely are growing very rapidly, and i am excited to see the harvest if any of the others show sex or arent too deformed.

pics 1 and 2 are of the parallel split nodes
pic 3 is the split leaf



Well-Known Member
I have a Lowlife AK47 x Hindu Kush auto, it's a true dwarf, all the details of a normal plant, just tiny.


Active Member
how is the smoke? i am pretty skeptical about auto buds, but then again i havent smoked them yet.


smoke from a well grown auto is better than and commercial mids you will get from the street.
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somewhat good news, found out the one with the mutations is a confirmed female, cant wait to see the final results.