weight of bud


Active Member
hi all i think this one might be for experienced growers i just harvested 4 mz the wet weight was just over 16 ounces but when it had dried it had shrunk to just over 6 its never happened before and the only thing i did different this time was use earth bloom (as i grow in soil) but i dont want to say that the bloom was the problem if it isn,t can any one help me on this one if anyone can it will be someone on this site thanks
if you dry bu properly you lose around 75 percent of weight, dont forget living things are made up of mostly water.
thanks for the info peeps yes i still get enough for me and thats what i want i dont sell my weed so its enough for me to get blasted every day happy tokin
During the drying and curing phase you can lose approximately 65 - 75 % of actual weight once the water has been dissipated.
i can not of expressed myself fully when i said it never happened before i meant i never lost as much weight as i have with this grow i usually lose between 60-65% but this time it was more like 80 but never mind i am happy everytime i get a yield i have got 4 cheese flowering now i have never smoked it before i hope it lives up to what i have been hearing about it anyway thanks all