Expert or not i really appreciate your help, so thanks man!I'm not an expert at plant science. I just know that I've read/heard many times that N should be higher in veg, and the nutes should transition to lower N with higher P-K through bloom (and I notice my plants respond to these changes). For my own stuff, I go by the manufacturers recommendations on the nutes I'm using. I'm currently using GH Flora series, which is a three part nutrient like yours. The ratios on the bottle for flowering work out to 2-2.6-3.3. Sometimes I use supplements that increase the P and K, but I only use that sparingly for a slight bump up. I tend to feed a little lighter (75% to 90% strength) than the recommended schedule, and I do feed-feed-water-repeat usually two to three days between applications. I used to pay much more attention to ppm, especially in hydro, but I'm more lazy about it now in soil. Your plant looks healthy. If it were me, I'd just keep doing what you're doing.
I'll keep feeding her the same way, maybe I'll go lighter abit on the ppm.