Hi all, I`ve discovered that I`ve a spider mite infestation in my 
Worse is I`ve no idea how it happened so quickly as I tend to my babies on a daily basis.
Anyway they`re there now and i`ve a bigger problem , i`m in week seven of an 8/9 week flowering strain.
I`d like to know what else to do on top of what i`m already doing.
The temperature ranges from max28c/min21c during day and max20c/min4c for the night.
I`ve only an extractor fan working full speed with a 15min segmental timer!
I read that spider mites explode in high humidity.
Also read that alcohol ruins the trichomes.
So far i`ve only sprayed both sides of the leaves with non bio soap( making sure i stayed away from the buds).
I also removed as many webs and killed as many as i could see. futile effort i know but times are desperate.
I`ve also raised humidity to over 90% (by sealing the room airtight and adding a big bowl of water.
I will order some Spider Mite Predator
Please advice me on the right course of action to take until i can order some predators. (Phytoseiulus persimilis) asap, is 2000 enough for a 2 m2 garden?

Please Help!

Worse is I`ve no idea how it happened so quickly as I tend to my babies on a daily basis.
Anyway they`re there now and i`ve a bigger problem , i`m in week seven of an 8/9 week flowering strain.
I`d like to know what else to do on top of what i`m already doing.
The temperature ranges from max28c/min21c during day and max20c/min4c for the night.
I`ve only an extractor fan working full speed with a 15min segmental timer!
I read that spider mites explode in high humidity.
Also read that alcohol ruins the trichomes.
So far i`ve only sprayed both sides of the leaves with non bio soap( making sure i stayed away from the buds).
I also removed as many webs and killed as many as i could see. futile effort i know but times are desperate.
I`ve also raised humidity to over 90% (by sealing the room airtight and adding a big bowl of water.
I will order some Spider Mite Predator
Please advice me on the right course of action to take until i can order some predators. (Phytoseiulus persimilis) asap, is 2000 enough for a 2 m2 garden?

Please Help!