Week 6 flower pics with leaf problem and question on Harvest time


So here is my girl she's coming along with close to 14 bud sights.

She is just under 6 weeks into flowering and looking great, short of one problem. The old fan leaves are starting to have spots and becoming very brittle. I recently increased my flower fertilizer to a medium/ high amount every-time I watered, 2-4 days.

I have since stopped putting fert down and tried larger amounts of water the last time i watered in hope of flushing.

If anyone else has any idea of what it could be I would love some feed back.


I also was hoping someone could help me out with how far I have to go to Harvest. I am just under 50 days but have been told this is a Sativa dominant strain which could take 84 days. But she looks closer then half way don't you think?

Happy 420
Looks to me that you got some nutrient burn, but don't be alarmed, she still looks pretty healthy. Now that you know the threshold keep the nutrients at least 80% below what you administered.
Judging from the photos you have another 3-4 weeks of flower b4 harvest.