Well-Known Member
Ok Well today was the end of week 5..
I also got my 4x4x6.5 tent and a carbon filter. Also got the cool tube hooked up with a 6" inline fan. A have the other 6" inline on the filter. Humidity has ben in good range untill today. It was it's first day in the tent. Got up to 30c for acouple hours and 47% humidity, but I got that problem fixed so it shouldn't happen again. Didn't seem to hurt it any. As you can see from the pictures its getting fuller. some hairs are turing orange already. Its been taking about 2 quarts every 4 days. Ive been using foxfarms tiger bloom and big bloom according to foxfarms feeding schedule along with some kool bloom and molasses. I use them every water, but started to flush after every 3 waterings. After this week I'm going to use homboldts county gravity along with a decreased use of the foxfarm products. I'm gonna use it for how long it say to and then begin the final flushing . Only 5 weeks I believe. I also foliar feed with foxfarm once or twice a week. Usually just saturday and sunday as soon as the light comes back on. I use a pump sprayer and get both sides of the leaves, but try not to soak the bud. It really increases the smell the following day
... Ok heres the pics. This camera is crap and does show the completly good amout of crystals forming. The leaves are covered. And in the picture those dense areas are just l dense white hairs.. please lord lets the next 5 week and curing time go all right...