week 5 of flower is it ok to......


New Member
I just inherited a few fat chicks.Cheese,White Diesel and sumthin else.They are comfy in big ole smart pots and they're LST'd.They are way to tall and bushy for my set up.
Its week 5 and some lower branches don't look like they're going to finish worth a shit.
Should I carefully remove some of the bottoms at this stage in the game?There are quite a few choice cuttings in there also.If its not to late.I don't want to shock or stunt the big girls, if any.The clones would have time to recover and re veg if thats ok.
What do you guys n gals think about pruning and cloning at week five ?


Active Member
Personally i would not, stress at this point will only slow production. I would tie the extra little lower branches out of the way even large fan leaves but no cutting


Active Member
Personally i would not, stress at this point will only slow production. I would tie the extra little lower branches out of the way even large fan leaves but no cutting
BUT, if the fan leaf is 50% yellow, dead, or diseased, you should remove it. Also, you can leave the lower branches after you harvest the upper. 2-3 more weeks under the light and they will grow. Just make sure you have as few cuts as possible. In otherwords, the plant has dozens of nodes, but the lower the cut on the stem, the less nodes ther are to heal. Does that make sense. It only takes a plant a couple of days to heal, but the less wounds it has to heal the faster it will heal. And those lower colas will turn into big ass mother fuckin NUGZ