Week 5 flower litte white bugs in runoff! help!


Active Member
Hey guys,

Im on my first grow and I've been having what I thought were some deficiency problems so I topdressed with some super soil last week and a little more this week and after watering today I noticed this in the runoff!

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What are they and how can I get rid of them!? I did an azamaxx treatment like 2-3 weeks ago for the gnats so I don't know where they came from!
These insects are springtails, so-named because many species (not Onychiurus spp.) have a forked structure folded under their abdomen; when flicked out it propels the insect into the air and helps the creature escape predators or adverse conditions. Many species of springtail of various colours occur in garden soil but the types most frequently found in potting compost are white, such as Onychiurus species. Springtails are also sometimes known as collembola.

None is necessary. These are harmless creatures that feed on fungal growth and decaying plant material. They are dependent on damp conditions and so will not spread away from pot plants or become a nuisance in the home.
Alot of times we will get flyers from unpasturized soil. You can get some neem oil or azamax and mix it in your water and water your plants with it. Doing this will kill the flyer eggs and the flyers themselves. You may not get them all , but just spot spray around your grow and on topsoil. I've had just about every pest except worms, I grow indoors and out. Good luck